I Guess This is Goodbye

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It was all over. Rocket locked up his enemy. Animals and the kids were a part of Knowhere. Gamora decided to spend a night with us before leaving. That morning I awoke to someone, or something licking my face. I opened my eyes to see

Adam's pet?

What the heck? How'd he get in here?

Mikey: Sorry, Dad. Me and Cosmo were playing with him and he came through the front door.

Mikey and Cosmo were standing in front of me.

I just smiled.

Blake: Did you ask him if you could play with him?

Mikey: Yeah. He didn't mind. He's right outside.

I got dressed and saw Zoe still lying in bed. I gave her a smooch on the cheek. That made her smile.

I went outside to see Adam.

Blake: Mornin'.

He stuttered. Obviously flustered because he probably didn't get that a lot.

Adam: Apologies. Your son, wanted to play with...

Blake: It's okay. It's nice to see you making friends, already.

He smiled.

Blake: Thank you for saving my brother.

Adam grimaced.

Adam: Your friend saved me. And I felt ashamed after what I did.

Blake: It's okay. You should here the stories of how we all came together.

He chuckled.

Adam: I'm free, anyway. I don't have to take orders from that monster. Or my mother.

I got confused.

Blake: Your mother. We know her?

Adam: Your friend insulted her once. I believe you know her as the High Priestess Ayesha.

My eyes widened.

Blake: So she was also behind the whole thing. That's how you found us.

Adam: I was created by my mother to destroy you. But the High Evolutionary wanted me retrieve Rocket. But, she's dead, now. I couldn't save her.

He started crying.

Mikey: It's okay. You have a family, now.

He walked off.

Adam: You have a wonderful little boy.

Blake: I do. I couldn't be any luckier.

Zoe: Blake.

Zoe was up. Her eyes widened when seeing Adam.

Zoe: Oh. Hey, Adam. Blake, Gamora's leaving today. We better bid her goodbye.

Blake: I'll be up there. See ya, Adam.

We all went up to see Gamora. She leaned against the railing.

Blake: You know, you're always welcome to stay with us. We'd be happy to have you here.

Gamora smiled.

Gamora: That's sweet. But I have other places to be. You're always welcome to visit.

Zoe: Well, Mikey would like to see his Great Grandpa again.

Gamora laughed.

Groot came up behind us.

"I am Groot."

Gamora: Thanks. Just tell them I'm gonna be right...

Groot looked at her. Nervous in what he was about say, next.

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