Let's End This

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Nebula, Mantis, Drax, Mikey and I were thrown into some dark cell. Well at least we can wait for someone to rescue us or just try to get out in peace. I thought that until a I heard a door open. The only thing I thought was that maybe I should bite my tongue off.

Mikey: Dad?

Blake: Stay behind me.

We thought something dangerous was coming, but instead, it was the children on the other side of the cell bars.

Blake: Thank goodness.

Mantis: How did they get down here?

"Joob joob."

Mikey: Hi.

Blake: Mikey.

Mikey: Dad, it's okay. I think they're harmless.

Blake: I'm aware but I don't think they can understand us.

Mikey: Maybe they can help us get out?

Blake: My guess, not likely.

Mantis: Peter will be trying to get to the spaceport. He doesn't know about the children.

Nebula: You!

She frightened the children.

Nebula: We need you to let all the other children on board know to stay away from the starboard walls!

Blake: Do you know how to talk to kids? Talk calmly to them or you'll frighten them.

"Joob joob?"

Nebula: They know three frickin words and two of them are "joob".

Mikey: I'm guessing that the High Evolutionary didn't teach them English.

"Joob joob."

Nebula: No!

Blake: Nebula, stop it! You're scaring them!

Nebula: Listen to me! You need to talk to the other children!

Mantis because using sign language.

Nebula: All of them here, and tell them to stay away from the freaking...

Nebula noticed Mantis trying to communicate through her arms.

Nebula: What the heck are you doing, Mantis?

Mantis had enough.


Blake: Ok, stop it! Both of you! Will you please just get along?! I don't care how you do it! Hug it out, talk it out, I don't care but quit arguing, and help the rest of us deal with problem!

The children began crying.

"Joob joob eo."

We all looked at the children it shock.

"Joob joob eo!"

Drax: You're scaring them.

Blake: (sarcastically) Oh, now you pay attention.

Drax: I've been paying attention. Allow me.

He went up to the kids.

Drax: Hello, dumb idiots.

Mikey: Real smooth, Uncle Drax.

Drax: Let me handle this.

The children stopped crying. Drax went up to one little girl.

Drax: I had a little girl like you. You know what she used to like? She liked when I made monkey noises.

Drax began making a funny noise that didn't sound anything like a monkey, but it made the children laugh.

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