A Kill Switch?!

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We made it aboard the Bowie's Med Bay to try and heal Rocket, when we examined something that we've never seen before in Rocket's system. Nebula was looking up the information.

Peter: A kill switch?

Nebula: A device set to destruct if anyone goes poking around inside him, or even if we use the Med-Packs.

Peter: And why would Rocket have a kill switch?

Blake: Yeah, and more importantly, do you think that Sovereign who attacked us knew where to hit Rocket? Was he only after him? How'd he know where to find him?

Nebula: Apparently, someone considers him proprietary technology and sent that golden lunatic to get him.

Blake: So it's not Ayesha who's after him?

Nebula: Probably not, but if that was a Sovereign, she may be a part of this.

Mantis: So, he'll die if we operate on him?

Drax: And he'll die if we don't?

Peter: There has to be a way to bypass it.

Nebula: It looks like there's a passkey that could override the kill switch.

Mantis: What do we know about where Rocket came from?

Peter: He won't talk about it.

Blake: I overheard the guards back at the Kyln say say he's some kind of genetic experiment or something but we haven't figured out where he came from. Groot, do you know?

Groot: I am Groot.

Blake: What do you mean "You swore an oath to keep a secret"? Fine, be useless, I don't care.

Nebula: Much of tech was developed by a company called OrgoCorp. And there's a code on all of it, 89P13.

Blake: That maybe our ticket to ride. How long's he got?

Nebula: He's got maybe 48 hours.

Blake: Alright, then let's ride.

Me and Peter both walked to the cockpit.

Nebula: Where are you going?

Peter: OrgoCorp got to have records, right? Maybe they'll wait for us to override the kill switch and save Rocket.

Mantis: They won't just give us that information.

Blake: Probably not, especially whoever sent Adam to kill Rocket. So we're just gonna squeeze the information out.

Peter: That's why we're gonna break in.

Drax: And kill anyone who gets in our way!

Peter: Not kill anyone.

Blake: Unless necessary.

Peter: Blake!

Blake: What? Since when do we not?

Drax: Kill a few people.

Peter: Kill no people.

Drax: Kill one guy, one stupid guy who no one loves.

Peter: Now you're just making it sad. Woah, woah, Blake.

I stopped to look at him.

Peter: What about your family?

Blake: I wanna save Rocket, too.

Peter: I know, but tell 'em that you're gonna be gone.

Later, I went back to the house, thinking how I'm gonna break the news. I opened the door to be tackled by hugs.

Zoe: Honey.

Mikey: Daddy.

Blake: Hey, hey. Look, I'm not gonna be long.

Zoe: What are you talking, is Rocket okay?

Blake: Mikey, can you go to your room please? We're gonna have a private conversation.

Mikey: But, Dad---

Blake: Mikey! Room. Now.

Mikey stormed off with an angry look.

Blake: And, hey! Don't give me that look! You're still grounded!

Mikey: Way to rub it in, Dad.

The door closed behind him. Zoe looked at me with a disappointed look.

Blake: What?

Zoe: You're beginning to take this too far.

Blake: Rocket is dying.

I said, cutting to the chase. She looked at me in shock.

Zoe: How long does he have?

Blake: Two days. That Adam guy shot Rocket in the chest. There was a kill switch in his chest that disrupted the Med-Pack's ability to heal him. We're heading to OrgoCorp to get records on how to save him.

Zoe: Let us come with you.

Blake: No, I'm not taking Mikey. And I need you to take care of him while I'm gone.

Zoe: Let Kraglin take care of him. Or better yet let him come along.

Blake: You can't trust Kraglin with kids. Especially around his buddies, Cosmo, or when he's practicing his arrow. And we talked about this, you know why we can't bring him along.

Zoe: He's a smart kid. He saved us from Adam. And the only reason he sneaks off is because he feels like his family is off on adventures, saving the galaxy, and he has to stay home, everytime.

Blake: I don't want to lose my son. And I don't want him to lose us.

Zoe: Neither do I. But I don't want him to feel isolated from his family. Let him come.

I thought about this and I wanted to say no, but I know Zoe is right.

Blake: Mikey, it's Daddy. Can I come in please?

The door opened and he was crying on the bed.

Blake: Mikey. You're ungrounded.

He stopped sniffling and looked at me with tear stains in his eyes.

Blake: Look, I'm sorry if I was a bit unfair, tonight. But Uncle Rocket is dying. Do you wanna come help us save him?

Mikey: Mm-Hm.

He whimpered, nodding his head.

Blake: Okay, quit crying. You're coming with us. Just stay close to us, okay?

Mikey: Okay.

Blake: Alright, come on.

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