You Can Call Me Babe - Steven Hyde

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You can call me babe for the weekend
Song: Tis the Damn Season- Taylor Swift
Warnings: None

“How? No, When did this start?” Donna asks pacing back and forth her hands running through her bright red hair. You glance at Hyde wondering if you should truthfully tell them.

You never did tell Eric and Donna how you two came to be. You could talk for a while or base your attention on something else or rather someone else.
Dinner that evening was rough, Eric kept looking at you in disbelief.

Red sat down at the head of the table “So, how’s your friend Janice?” Red asks Laurie “Pregnant” Laurie bluntly replies “Oh, she was such a nice girl how does that happen?” Kitty converses “Well, first the egg travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus where it attaches to the wall..." Eric says in a joking manner. "Eric, for God's Sakes, that's no language for a woman to hear!" Red scolds Eric which leaves the teen boy silenced.

“It’s okay Dad, I think we all know what a fallopian tube is.” You say trying not to feed the fire. “Well, I just don’t want my little boy banding those words together.” Kitty says as she wipes his face with her napkin. “Thanks Mom!” Eric thanks her then he shoots you and Laurie a nasty look.

“Quit staring at your siblings and eat your carrots.” Red tells Eric sternly. You sat uneasy in your chair picking at the food on your plate worried that Eric would tell the world about your relationship. Oh yeah, Eric wanted me to tell you that he thinks he's too old for a party. Keys."Laurie announced.

"There's no party! Laurie, loose lips!" Kitty tries to cover herself. "Oh Laurie, I just remembered, I can't loan you the VistaCruiser on account of I hate you."Eric retorted"Laurie, you're not driving the VistaCruiser. It's old and undependable. It could break down and you'd be at the mercy of any maniac who came along. That's okay for Eric. But you're taking the Toyota. Oh and here's a twenty." Red tells his eldest child.

"Will that cover gas?" Laurie asks, acting naive. "Oh well, it should. Honey, honey, give her another ten just in case."Kitty tells Red falling or Laurie's tricks. 

"I could probably use some gas money." Eric says "Yeah. And if a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass when he hops." Red laughs you just get up with your plate eager to get away from your family. As much as you loved them they could be a bit much at times.

“Back so soon?” Hyde joked you said nothing you just kissed him. “Come through my window tonight?” You say seeing if he is planning to do the same routine he does every night. “Sure babe.” He says recalling the night you two kissed for the first time.

You two talked for awhile outside of your house. It was after the new years party your parents had thrown and you two had talked until two in the morning. “You can call me babe for the weekend.” You told him with guest still lingering like a bad perfume.

Silence enveloped you two; it felt as if it were you two. The music was getting muffled as well as the joyous laughter. You both leaned in your first kiss with him felt like you were on top of the world. It was all or nothing from then and you had never been the same.

He wasn’t dangerous or the bad boy you were supposed to think he was. Hyde was soft and protective. “You make me worth something.” Hyde told you as you were cuddled up in your bed that night.

“You have always been worth something.” You admitted to him. The feeling of being loved wasn’t as normal to you both.

The next morning next door you heard your parents surprising your brother. “Surprise!” They shout you rolled over with a groan, feeling the weight of Hyde’s arm draped over your torso. Eric screams in terror to the sight of his parents and older sister in his room.

"Birthday breakfast! And this is it young man! A few gifts tonight the end! And it is too late to change your mind about a party now so don't think you're getting one or you will be sorely disappointed!" Kitty says setting down the tray at the edge Eric’s bed on her way she kept laughing.

“Happy birthday. You know, the lawn's not gonna cut itself!"Red tells Eric leaving his room. “Thanks mom, Dad” Eric says “Hey little brother, nice tent!” Laurie laughs leaving Eric’s room. “You sure they aren’t gonna come in here babe.” Hyde grumbles “I’m sure.” You tell him. “No, stay.” You moan reaching your arm out asking your boyfriend to stay longer.

“I will be back soon babe.” Hyde reassured me by giving you a kiss before leaving out of your window.

Everyone is sat around the Forman basement dressed in nicer clothes. “Look, we know what you are all doing here.” Eric says breaking the silence.

“What are you talking about man? We’re just hanging out like always except we’re dressed nice but that doesn't mean anything.” Kelso says. They sit in silence again until Kitty comes downstairs poking her head down into the basement.

“Hey kids. Um, I need your help with something. Jackie,Donna, Micheal, Steven, young man with a foreign accent.” Kitty says causing Hyde to remove you from his lap. As they all go upstairs you follow to make a run for it.

“God, I can’t take it!” Eric yells he goes to leave the basement to find Red who just grumbles and signals for him to turn right back around. He doesn’t even notice one of his children has left. “Eric honey can you come upstairs?” Kitty asks.

“Shut up he’s coming!” Kitty tells her guests. “Surprise!” Everyone shouts at Eric unaware that the youngest Forman half way to eat fries.

“Hey.” Hyde says as he sits down next to you he pulls out a box from beside him. “Happy Birthday babe.” Hyde says “But-” You start to say before he cuts you off.

“Open it.” Hyde tells you. Inside was a picture of you both from the first grade and a locket with your entails engraved. When you open the locket it says “You can call me babe for the weekend.” You thank Hyde and give him a hug. Neither of you like hugs but with each other you didn’t mind.

Word Count:1105
Published: 01/30/2024

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