Truth Seekers-MCUxHarry Potter

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Truth Seekers-MCUxHarry Potter

Song: I Miss the Days- NF

Avengers Tower,  2016

“Breaking news several innocent people were lost in the blip just a few years ago. Suddenly these loved ones are back and thriving. Were you or your loved ones affected by this tragedy?” A woman in a dark red pantsuit and cherry red lips broadcasted across the television. Your memories flashed through the pensive of Hogwarts reliving the trauma.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 1999

“Why did you do it?” Draco Malfoy asked you. “Why did I do that?” You reason knowing he is asking about you shifting. “You know what.Why do you shift?” Draco specifies “Karma’s a bitch and every alien or new invader was too much for me. Draco I was eight years old the first time I was able to go out for HYDRA.” You say tearing up they didn’t know the torture that lied in your past. you thought you had put the final nail in the coffin. Little did you know the nail was bent halfway as you hammered it through.

“Wait, what is HYDRA?” Theo Nott asks as Draco begins to pace his hand resting on his face. If he was able to, you could see him chewing on his nails. “HYDRA is an organization made to create warriors not the good kind you are a soldier. When I was born it was in the Red Room until I was six that is when the red room sold me to HYDRA.

The Red Room is or was a place they took children in who had no home and taught us all to be assassins. Hydra is for the ones who have different abilities. With my previous ballet skills paired with the fat I can throw a knife meant I was an exemplary student. I had enough so I decided to escape and here I am.” You explained leaving out major factors into shifting and your past life.

“Wow.” Hermione Granger muttered in astonishment and pity. You looked around the room watching everyone become on edge. It was the common loo of pity where people feel he need to stand on egg shells around the fucked up. Ronald Weasly and his little sister Ginny knew the look they just went through but the look was still “Don’t pity me,” You blurt “We aren’t.” Blaise Zabini says “Yes you are I know the look of pity.” You say “Who is the guy with silver hair in your memories?” Blaise asked “Pietro Maximoff, my first love he always told me one day we would get married and fight for the good in the world.” You said a slight smile appeared on your lips as you fondly remembered the boy you once loved. “What about the one later on with brown hair and the collared sweaters?” Hermione said

“That’s Peter Parker or Spiderman he was like my little brother. I never had one but Tony Stark had this thing about taking in children who had no parents or whatever. I think it was because Bucky Barnes killed him and ever since that orphan inside of him didn’t want kids to feel that way.” You admitted sometimes you missed the days when you walked Peter home or movie nights with him and his best friend Ned.

As if on cue Hermione asked “Do you ever miss them?” “Yes I do all the time but this was better for them and me.” You honestly said. In this realityyou became friends with the slytherins first. Creating a wall between you and everyone else. When you first arrived at Hogwarts you expected it to be like the movies rebuilt in a day. Yet it wasn’t Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither could a whole historical castle.

“When you all came together at the end of the war it was beautiful. That never could happen in my universe even after the blip.With each war we never came together.” You spoke looking around once more to see the group of people who you have grown the closest to find out about the old you. “Why did you hide it from us all this time?” Harry asked you, you looked down at your hands fidgeting with the ring that the Avengers got you for your seventeenth birthday.

“How do I explain that I am not from this reality.” You admitted as you continued to bounce your leg vigorously. “Peter was all I had in that reality no one else remembered me or they died. Ned and MJ his best friends forgot me okay I left because all I ever bought was trouble and I’m sorry I couldn’t explain how I shifted here or why.” You ran, finally letting it all out of your chest, tears rolling down your cheeks. It was over dramatic although it felt good to get everything off of your chest you felt guilty for yelling  at them all.

They became like family Blaise,Ginny,Ron,Hermione,Harry,Draco,Theo,Pansy, and even Luna. “I apologize for yelling at you all.” You say “It’s good honey.”Hermione soothed you sitting next to you rubbing your back as you calmed down. Your head laid upon Blaise’s shoulder as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

Word Count:883

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