Birthday Cake-Stanley Uris

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Birthday Cake-Stanley Uris
Songs:Space Bound-Eminem, Birthday Cake- Dylan Conrique
Warning: Clowns, Death, Suicide, Blood, Broken Homes.

Stan sat at his desk reading over his goodbye, memories of when he was just a young kid came flooding back as he wrote.

The sound of Mike Hanlon’s voice over the phone brought back memories. That call was the final straw that broke the camel’s back. Next thing Stanley saw was himself walking into the bathroom towards the cabint.

Remembering when everyone was back in Derry as kids. The curly headed young jewish boy with a gap in his front teeth that you found endearing about him.

Before the horror of the killer clown, when the scariest things were in the movies or when your parents were upset with you.

Even being bullied by Henry Bowers and his goons wasn’t as scary as going home some nights.

Every birthday until you moved away you would sit at the old fifties style diner on main street and celebrate your birthday. Stanley always broke the rules for one day although it was forbidden by his religion he always ordered the same thing.

A plain cheeseburger with ketchup and a side of fries. As well as a milkshake to dip his french fries in. You always ordered the same except you preferred your burger with more than just ketchup.

The entire Losers club joined the party in the same booth. Everyone squished together, shoving their faces full of food. You were always sure that the staff hated July 13th.

Due to you all laughing loudly with smiles plastered across your faces as you were messy.

Guilt always riddled your body therefore you left a big tip at the end. Stanley is always inside the walk home , just the two of you.

But before you let him go for the night you sat in the treehouse behind your house and ate birthday cake. Striking a match to light the same candle until the candle melted completely.

Stan would go home by crossing from your yard to his. He stopped the fence so carelessly.

Stanley replayed those memories as he went downstairs to tell someone that he was going to take a bath. “Okay honey,” the person replied from behind the corner.

“I love you.” Stan said, turning around on his heels to the bathroom. Hearing the sound of his feet heavily hit each step as he climbed the circular staircase.

Stanley sighed as he reached the top still feeling as if he was in the middle of an out of body moment.

Stanley shot his head around hearing children laughing, at first he brushed it off as the television downstairs. Yet, when he went downstairs the television was shut off.

Once again hearing the giggles of children noticing that it sounded vaguely familiar.

He saw a younger version of himself and you in the booth at the diner laughing.

It was just the two of you, because that summer was the summer that Pennywise broke up the Losers Club.

You stayed by his side the whole time that summer. Knowing that this wasn’t normal and how much he wanted to be normal.

July 13th, 1989 was a summer that would be forgotten the moment each loser left town. “They will come to their senses eventually, Stan. Now eat your cake before the flies do.” You reassured him with a gentle pat on the arm.

He gave you a smile picking up the container of store bought cake. Before he could get up to leave he pulled you into a hug. “Thank you,” He whispered in your ear. “Happy birthday Stan.” You smile as you reply.

Stan didn’t want to leave the treehouse that night however, he did.

Dropping his pants in the bathroom Stan watched the tub fill measuring the temperature with his hand before removing the rest of his clothing.

One final look at himself before he stepped into the bathtub. As he got in he let out a hiss forgetting how cold his feet were.

Adjusting to the temperature before sitting down. A deep groan escaped Stan’s lips as he relaxed his body. Stan fiddled with an idea in his head as he adjusted his position to lay down slightly.

Toying with the memories of Derry Maine as a teenager. He always had you, you were there when he broke his arm the first time. You were there for the oath and to bandage his hand up.

“How many more times am I gonna have to bandage you up this summer Stan?” You jokingly said he laughed.

You looked at him adjusting the white tape around his hand. Stan looked into your eyes deeply.

You both could’ve sworn the world stopped for a moment. Stan used his not wounded hand and laid it on the side2 of your face.

Your breath hitched as you both began to lean in. Momentarily your lips collided with precision.

Moving in sync to one another, it was sloppy and sweet. He pulled away while you both were trying to catch your breath. “I’m sorry-” Stan stuttered, apologizing profusely.

“Stan, you’re fine if anything I should be apologizing.” You said refraining from calling him any pet names like you usually would. Such as love, honey, hun, and more. “Huh?” Stan hummed, cocking his head to the side.

“I just took your first kiss Stan.” You reminded him to move back so he could finally hop off of the countertop. “But that was your first kiss too.” Stan said

“True,” You replied before you knew it you were pressed against the bathroom wall kissing again.

Until you heard the sound of Richie Tozier’s voice bellow through your home. Luckily Stan had already bandaged your hand as well.

You move onto the counter and tell Stan to pretend to just finish your bandage. That wasn’t the last time you two kissed throughout the years.

“Stan?!” A voice shouted with the sound of someone coming up the steps.
“Stanley?” They called again hearing only the sound of water falling into the tub.

Plink the water sounded as it dripped. Looking in to witness the blood drawn onto the backsplash.

IT was spelled out onto the backsplash meaning Stanley dipped his finger in his own blood and drew it on the backsplash. The bottom of the capital t had a finger mark adjacent to the bottom.

His hand must have fallen to where it currently floated in the dyed water. Finding your voice you let out a loud scream that could rival Jamie Lee Curtis.

As you stared at your husband’s dead body. You found him that night, you were the one to find your note on his desk as the paramedics rolled him out on a stretcher.

Word Count: 1133

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