Last Time-Billy Loomis

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Last Time- Billy Loomis
Song: Last Time: Jxdn

Warning: Homical Thoughts, Homicdal Plans, Teen Pregnacy, Breaking Up, Voice in your head (Billy).

Your eyes manipulated my mind, you pull me back in everytime I try to run. All of our past times are in disaster.

Tell me this is the last, goodbye falls from his lips this time and we agree this is the last time we will say that it is over.

Maybe this is the last time or he could be lying like the last time.

Hopefully it won’t hurt this time, I am a trapped passenger in a train wreck.
He is never satisfied with himself viewing the fucked up aspects from behind a blade.

“Stu don’t try to fucking stab me.” You say stone faced waving your hand in the air as you turn around to see your ex’s acomplies Stu Macher holding the murder weapon smiling wide like he usually does.

“Goodnight, also fucking go take a shower Billy you smell like corn syrup.” You say perring your head inside behind the door. They were concocting a recipe for fake blood.

If it wasn’t for you they wouldn’t know to use corn syrup like in the movie Carrie.

This was all a part of their biggest scam to murder Sidney Prescot after her mother broke up Billy’s family. As you walked down the driveway of Stu’s family home you felt fall air hit your face.

It was crisp and cool. Tightening your brother’s flannel around your body, rubbing your shoulders before entering your car and leaving for the night.

Hoping that this was the last time it felt like this time he was holding the gun to your head as you tightened the noose around your neck.

Yet, one of your hands was holding his still after all this time. This was the last time you would wave the white flag in front of your face. Yu finally saw the  red  splatters soaked into the white fabric.

Noticing that it was your blood coloring the flags. Hating how tough of an addiction he was a smoker and you were the cigarette. His touch made you feel something from your ever so dull.

Stu would put it, you were far too sensitive for the plans Billy had.

Everytime Billy kissed you it felt like the kiss of death. Subtily knowing how you compared the rest of your  life to those late nights.

Billy’s hands running under your shirt as you made love in the moonlight. Billy sugarcoated his sharp teeth so the bull shit spewing from between his lips would be sweeter.

But you were running through his veins like pretty poison. You figured that out a few last time ago.

You were hiding something bigger than the both of you. Knowing that your little secret would be the end of you. He would either kill you or make you get rid of it.

Affecting his plans to exact revenge on Sideny. You wished you could tell Stu or someone but they can’t keep a secret. You had no cluse what you were doing.

All you knew was that you couldn’t let Billy control you anymore. He has gaslight you this far, now you need to escape before he explodes.

Driving past the place you two had your first kiss, which is now ironically a pregnacy clinic. Billy was on your mind knowing it was for the best before he went crazy and you ended up dead.

Until everything died down you were going to stay at your Aunt’s beach house in Malibu.

She was a big shot phliontorpist on wall street. She had kids but favortized you for some reason.

She said you reminded her of a younger her as a teen. Young, full of hope, and in trouble as she put it.

Last week your father had kicked you out and your mother left when you were four. Later on by the time you were fifteen she passed of cancer.

Who knows this fresh start might be nice. From the plane you looked down at the airway employees, knowing that soon this trip would be a memory.

You constantly hear BIlly telling you to breathe in and out. In the same tone he always did when you would have panic attacks.

A part of you wanted to run back to him. Book it off the flight and hope he is ready to take you back.

You knew that he wouldn’t be pleased with your antics. Therefore, it was for the best moving away. You could’ve drove from Woodsbro to Malibu however, Billy knew what your car looked like.

Distance is relative in order to move safely you sold your car. Billy didn’t know about your Aunt in Malibu or your cousins who would be living with you.

You hoped Stu would keep the secret until he was six feet underground.

Stu knew everything about the screat you were caring for and how you had a fail safe plan in place with your aunt.

From the plane you waved goodbye to Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Randy Meeks, Tatum Riley, Dewey Riley, Sidney Prescott, Gale Weathers, your father, and Woodsbro as a whole.

This was the last time you would see anyone or partake in the gossip of Woodsbro. “Goodbye,” You muttered softly, waving goodbye.

Turning back to face forwards knwing this was what was best for you and your baby.

Published:June 4th,2023
Word Count: 911

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