Sex,Love,Gunfire,and Ciggrettes-S.Hyde

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Sex, Love, Gunfire, and Ciggrettes
Steven Hyde
Song: Fucked Up World- The Pretty Reckless
Warnings: Underage Drinking, Drinking, Smoking, Drug Use, Swearing.

Point Place Wisconsin, 1976

“Eric, it’s time.” Steven Hyde tells his friend Eric Forman. “Why don’t you do it?” Eric whined, “It’s your house.” Steven stated bluntly with another voice mimicking his words. The voice just so happened to belong to Michael Kelso. “Listen to them up there The party has reached critical mass. In 10 minutes, there will be no more beer opportunities.” Steven branded Eric “If my dad catches me he will kill me.” Eric paced back and forth behind the couch in the Forman’s basement. “I’m willing to take that risk.” Hyde laughed.

“Don’t worry about it. Just remain calm. Keep moving.” Kelso coached Eric. “And above all, don’t get sucked into my dad’s hair.” Donna Pinciotti the red-haired girl told Eric. “What is wrong with your dad’s hair?” Eric asked, delaying going upstairs. “Just don’t look at it,” Donna told Eric to warn him. “And Eric, cold, definitely cold,” Hyde says. As Eric leaves for the basement you come down to ge awya from the social scene.

Dressed up thanks to your mother Kitty and held in your hands you have some warm beer ready to store it away. He was opening the fridge feeling the gang’s eyes burning through you. You put away the warm beers and grab out some cold ones.

Turning to stand behind Hyde you toss a cold beer to Donna. As she catches it a smile appears on her face. “There were cold ones in there the whole time?” Hyde said, questioning you.

“Yes, dipshits,” you said, moving to the couch and sitting between Kelso and the weird overly horny foreign kid. Eric returns to his friends to see Hyde and Kelso reading a Playboy magazine. “I see that every day.” Donna mocks as she passes by the two boys. “He’s alive!” Kelso shouts “Ow, my ear!” You shout back smacking the back of his head.

“Good news my dad is thinking of giving me the Vista Cruiser.” Eric says “Don’t you mean us?” You ask “You’re getting a car?” Kelso asks “Have I told you how incredibly attractive you are, Eric?” Donna says leaning over the back of the couch to get closer to Eric. You make a fake gagging noise grimicning at the thought of anyone actually thinking your brother could be attractive.

“No.” Eric replies “You told me he was cute.” Kelso says “No. I didn’t.” Donna says through gritted teeth. “I remember, ‘cause you said not to say anything in front of Eric.” Kelso laughs. “Let’s focus on the more important thing here, people. Forman stole something even if it was warm beer and we already got cold ones.” Hyde says “To the Formans” Hyde cheers. “You know what’s sad? This is still the proudest day of my life.” Eric says.

The next morning the group was gathered around in the Forman’s basement again. Jackie Burkhart the rich bitch cheerleader sat next to Kelso. Eric sat at the edge of the couch with Donna sitting on the floor in front of him. Donna and Eric acted out the television show. Jackie complained so Eric handed her the headphone. Everything was fine until Kelso opened his mouth about the concert the gang was going to over the weekend.

“Who’s going?” Jackie shrilled “Eric, Donna, and me, Hyde, and Little Forman, and the foreign kid Fez. Pretty much everybody, and you.” Michael covered his tracks. Through the basement door came you and Hyde with Fez trailing behind you both.

“I’m getting a soda.” Eric declared “Yeah.” Donna agreed, signaling to you to take the others upstairs. Coming back down the stairs “Jackie, I guess you’re going to the concert with us,” Eric said, breaking the silence of the two teens who were making out.

Later the group finds themselves gathered around a table at the Hub. Fez is standing next to Hyde who gave up his seat for you. You sit and listen to the others while eating fries.

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