Freaks and Geeks-Eddie Munson

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Freaks and Geeks-Eddie Munson

Any other day you would have sat with Jason Carver. Today was different you felt like you had to be alone. You sat alone reading to yourself while picking at your food. Meanwhile, the only thing that could interrupt the loud sounds of the cafeteria was Eddie “The Freak” Munson. Getting to know him was harder said than done. He built his walls so high they were classified as castle towers.

Jason being your cousin made Eddie the enemy, however, you were like him in a way an outcast. Socially not as much due to Jason.

Yet if it wasn’t for him in the name of Hawkins High you would not exist. Sometimes you wish it was like that, you wish the fame and fortune of being captain of the basketball team's cousin weren’t your titles. It didn’t help that you lived with Jason and his family.

Re-reading The Great Gatsby was something not out of the ordinary for you. Not for Eddie who was currently on a table ranting about how an article made Dungeons and Dragons seem as if it was killing the kids.

Eddie was the freak because he had tattoos and was different. He had an edge that made him stand out from people like Chrissy or Jason. Robin Buckley your best friend throughout middle and high school was in a chain of people who were closer to Eddie.

Knowing the fear Jason had installed into you about dating him was awful. But it never kept you from admiring from afar.  Eddie talked about how people only like themselves in a group.

Referring to the partiers, or band. And made it clear as day referring to basketball, as a game in which you proceed to throw balls into laundry baskets.

It made you snicker, however as riled up as he was you had to grab something from your locker. As you passed by with your fingers in between the hardcover copy of your book. Becoming the temporary bookmark.

He jumped off the table and scared a few students. You jumped back a bit before he moved to signal for you to go. In true Eddie fashion bowing as you pass by with a cheesy smile plastered on his face. Not letting you pass before managing to smuggle a note into your sweating palms. Make it to your next class eager to open the note.

Although a fear if Jason found out about this you would metaphorically and literally dead.

Jason would have phrased it “as sleeping with the enemy.” Reminding yourself it was a school-girl crush as you took in a deep breath and opened the folded paper. Scribbled in black ink was a message. “Meet me at the table in the woods after school-Eddie” you read a tinted pink shade dusting your face.

Time has a tendency to move slow when your eager and fast when you're anxious. This time it felt surreal, in a way you were nervous yet excited. Time stood still as you messed with the hem of your shirt. Watching your feet crunch the dead plants as you walked along.

“Boo!” Eddie jumped behind you startling you. “You wanted to see me, Mr.Munson?” You ask admiring the features on his face. Eddie stepped closer with a sigh.

“I’m going to be blunt with you darling. I like you more than you know.” Eddie whispers creating a moment before going back to his normal self.

Eddie was not ever not being  Eddie and that is one thing you admired about him.  “Eddie I like you too. But-” You start but he cuts you off. “Darling no buts,” Eddie says pulling you closer. Once again building tension. It was a sight to see the freak and the golden boy jock’s geeky cousin inches from each other. As he leans in for a kiss you wake up it was all dream.

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