Scream x JATP

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Scream x JATP
Scary Movie
Part Three of Four
Song(s): Guilty Conscience-Tate McRae,
Warnings: Blood, Violence, Swearing, Death, Suicide
*Long Chapter*

At the police station sat Billy Loomis opposite Sheriff Burke next to the teenage boy was an older version of himself. "What are you doing with a cellular telephone son?" Sheriff Burke asked him.

"It's my phone he was just playin' with it." Mr. Loomis told the officer. "You got some ideas of playing around boy." Sherriff Burke scolded with a huff "I didn't call anyone with it I just took it for fun." Billy admitted

"Everybody's got one now. Why don't you check my phone bill for chrissake? Call my carrier Airfone-Comp. They'll have records of every number dialed." Hank suggested.

"Thank you, Hank. We're on it. What were you doing out at Sidney's tonight?" Sheriff Burke said, "I just wanted to see her." Billy pleaded.

"You rode your bike out there?" Sherrif Burke asked, noting down that they should still find his bike on the property.

"Yes, sir." Billy confirmed "And last night? Sidney said you crawled through her window last night too?" Sherriff Burke asked glancing at Hank who did not know his son snuck out last night.

"You were out last night?" Hank asked his arms crossed over his chest.

"I watched TV for a while but then I felt like going for a bike ride," Billy confessed "Did you ride past Casey Becker's house?" Sheriff Burke asked.

"No, I didn't. I didn't kill anyone, Sheriff." Billy said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"We're gonna have to keep you Billy. The governor has SBI, FBI, and only god knows who else on their way down here." Sheriff Burke concluded.

"This is crazy. I didn't do it." Billy cries out fighting back his tears. In another room, Tatum joins Sidney attempting to comfort her.

Billy is led out of the room by two officers not bothering to even look at the girls. Dewey stands next to Sheriff Burke watching his sister comfort Sidney. "That ghost mask is sold at both Wal-Mart and Krogers. Neither which hold purchase records." Dewey tells the Sheriff "What about the cell phone bill?" Sheriff Burke asks.

"They're pulling Lommis' account. But it'll be morning before we see something. You think he did it?" Dewey conversates. "Twenty years ago I would've said not a chance. But these kids today, damn if I know." Burke confesses.

"Hey, Dewey. Can we go now?" Tatum asks "Hold up a sec." Dewey tells her "She staying with you?" Burke asks "We haven't located her dad yet." Dewey says "Goddamnit, Dewey!" Tatum shrieks Dewey turns to the girl his face is a bright shade of red.

"What did Mama tell you? When I wear this badge you treat me like a man of the law." Dewey scolds.

"I'm sorry Deputy Dewey-boy but we're ready to go." Tatum says Dewey hears a snicker from behind him knowing that his boss is laughing at him.

"Use the back way to avoid the circus," Burke informs. Sidney didn't know that when Dewey left to pull the car around that, Gale would appear out to harrass her.

Or that later that night she would get another call from the killer. "Telephone, dear." Mama Riley says from the doorway of her daughter's bedroom.

"Who is it?" Tatum asks "It's for Sid." her mother says "My Dad?" Sidney asks earning a shrug from the older woman.

"Take a message." Tatum remarks "It's alright I'll get it." Sidney says as Sidney leaves the room Mama Riley motions to Tatum.

"How is she?" the older woman whispers not getting a clear answer from her daughter. Sidney picks up the phone at the end of the hallway.

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