Welcome to Doomsday-Mattheo Riddle

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Welcome to Doomsday-Mattheo Riddle
Song: Voices [Project Blade]-Derivakat/Doomsday-Derivakat


Beautiful scars on critical veins happened to be his life story. Punished for being the heir to a mad man. It wasn't his fault but somehow the world made him feel as if it was.

His father planned everyday that the world would fall. Watching Hogwarts crumble upon Harry Potter and his friends. Being the last defender, he cannot surrender to the forces of good vs evil.

Mattheo knew what side he was on in the war. Yet, doomsday never seemed better for him. With the off chance he could be injured and not have to fight alongside his father.

Always wondering if he could escape the cruel sight of his father. Escape the ones shouting at him to be perfect. This wasn't justice for a mother and a wife killed by the otherside.

In Fact his mother was the last thing his father cared about. Doomsday was an average Tuesday in a house filled with killers, people who devoted their lives to worshiping a man who told them he had the world.

Nevertheless the world came with hidden fees and interest rates. If you wait then the world will be ours, his father promised. Raise your shield and don't cry for help, die for your master as a slave to him.

Walking through the doors of the manor meant walking through fire and straight into hell. Hogwarts school of witchcraft as wizardry was an escape although work still must be done.

Killing instead of dishes for chores, capture the prisoner instead of flags. If Mattheo Riddle were to survive he must take the rope his father is handing him to hang himself on a mission meant for the strongest wizards and witches.

Watching as hell rains from the skies. An angel of death standing on high, A warrior beneath in the enemy lines.You were once trusted by the lord as an informant.

Mattheo's doomsday was ringing and others were being dragged into it faster and faster. Once a loner for reasons that saved lives now to being the one knowing he has to take them.

He was better at painting with oils than blood, now he learned and adapted to survive. Betrayal breeds revenge and revenge is sought out to no end.

Condemn your soul to him with a mark lingering in the sky proving his near. Potter's scar will burn.

But his own son is left for dead compared to Potter. Mattheo threw his hope to the wolves and watched them feed on its flesh until its bones were ready to be dissolved.

Each day was a ticking time bomb to doomsday. A battle between the good and the evil. Between man and immortality for the greater good. Although the system was so corrupt.

Lighting through the fine happened to be dark and dreary, quite depressing really. With the exception of the flame in the fireplace that was always lit.

So the family could sit on a cool night to watch the hues of blue and orange dance. Something other than storms that comforted Mattheo since he was a child.

Knowing that soon fire will be raining from the skies. Their outside world is filled with people who view it as pure vanilla snow in winter.

Although it can be hard to face reality, beauty is dangerous but intelligence is lethal.

Therefore, those who have both qualities are a ticking time bomb. Mattheo Riddle has both qualities and is a dangerous individual with a heart of gold deep down. Several people thought he could be fixed, but you can't fix trauma.

Trauma is something you must leave behind in order to pack lightly for war creating a space for more memories to become left in the dust.

Mentally and physically Mattheo was ready for the war. Fearful and sometimes pitied Potter the way his father fangirled over him like a middle school student fangirls over their love interest until their bully takes over.

In those types of movies the triangle is always defeated and a happy ending is either set in stone or the lover dies.

Mattheo wouldn't know that his father would be killed in front of his very eyes. Matheo also wouldn't know who killed him. He heard the whispers of his gossiping peers everyday from inside his head to in every corridor.

Feeling their stares burning into his body as he walked throughout the school. Mattheo needed a way to relive the pent up emotion. His vice was cigarettes with a hope that they would kill him before his father did. Time will never tell a secret. Even if it could save a life.

Screaming for help is only muffled by the tears he choked down for so many years. Even if you're path set in stone the stones can reroute, gently throwing himself into the spotlight. The war was coming as he was just the storm to distract the people.

Atleast that is what the voices told him. Betrayal is breeding grounds for revenge, sought of an end to a war that hasn't even begun.

Waste your last amends,You've spent your life condemned, Now you're condemned to your cursed doomsday. The day had become at last, Voldmort's countdown had come to an end.

Thrown to the wolves, and watch your hope dissolve. A twisted happily ever after to behold. Watching hell rain from the skies, as the angel of death stands on high. A once trusted warrior stands behind enmy lines with no one to trust.

Mattheo was out of luck and time, lifting his head to meet the gaze of several fallen soldiers. Each is buried in the remians of Hogwarts castle.

Knowinglty facing his demise head on, justice will be questioned. Mattheo wanted justice to be served, this final battle was between him and his father. Not Voldemort but Tom Riddle, no surrendering or backing out now.

Mattheo would be viewed as a traitor. Each voice in his head shouted at him for betraying his father. The young Riddle tunred his back on his family and his friends.

Readying his wand aimed at his father who was smiling at the thought he had killed Harry Potter.

Infact Harry ws still alive and Mattheo wasn't the only one to betray Voldemort that day. Mattheo was on his own.

Finally with his wand raided and his father looking at him he saw the flashehbacks of Tom Riddle as a child and through the years at Hogwarts.

He saw through the eyes of Tom as he raised his wand "Avada Kedavra!" Mattheo shouted volts of electriziat coursed through his veins it was over.

He was no longer condemned to his father's ways. He watched his father shift between Tom and Voldemort, adrenaline rushed through his body.

He was free from the curseded doomsday, Mattheo was free from the voices in his head. He watched his father burn to ash with a justified smile on his face.

All he could hope is that the flames of hell were hot enough to keep his feather locked away forever. As well as the voice that would burn with him.

Published: June 4th-5th, 2023
Word Count: 1207

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