Time Looped-Billy Hargrove

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Part Two of What if?-Billy Hargrove
Time Looped-Billy Hargrove
Song: Burning Pile-Mother Mother
Warning: Blood, Gore, Cursing, Death, Mind Control,

“Who?” Everyone simultaneously asks. “I did.” You say in a sorrowful tone. “Wait- How?” Steve asks.

“Remember how Chrissy Cunningham died? And then Eddie Munson got blamed for it?” You start and Robin and Steve nod their heads along.

Billy is confused which made sense because he had been dead almost a year at that point.

“When Nancy and Robin figured out who Vecna really was or if they didn’t connect the one missing piece.” You draw out scribbling down the patterns and notes.

“Billy, you died and I held Max and I continued every time. Vecna targets Max and if I fell in love with you he wouldn’t target you. Or her for a matter of fact.” You piece

“How do you know that?” Robin asks “Because I know where Vecna stims from and who he is,” You begin.

“I was a part of the lab when I was born, my mom was killed and I was brought up by the lab.” You jot down quickly as you explain.

“Robin, you and Nancy missed the blob at the bottom and I couldn’t tell you. I would’ve if I knew he was going for Max and other kids.

I didn’t because you guys locked me in the Wheeler’s dingy armpit of a basement.” You say drawing a tree. “You’re the blob.” Robin connects. “Shit-” Steve mutters, dragging his hand through his hair.

“My last name isn’t Ballard, that was just Vecna’s cover name in the lab. It’s Creel but he hates that last name so it was changed.” You explain ranting about Peter and Henry who are the same person.

“Is Max okay?” Billy finally chimes in “Oh honey,” You sigh remembering the last time you saw her.  Max was laying lifeless in a hospital bed.

“We don’t know for sure. Last I knew she was in the hospital. That was before we were here.” You break to Billy he has tears in his eyes.

Time seemed to tick faster now that everyone knew about you. His heartbeat was all you could hear, it was pumping as if it was a ticking time bomb about to explode.

“One missing key here mama!” Robin shouts over to you. Everyone passes by but they can’t hear you no matter how loud you shout.

“Yeah?” You ask for licking your teeth. “You have the same powers as Eleven so how could you start this?” Robin denies.

“Eleven and Vecna are the only other two who could do this. Eleven could’ve but she sent us back if she did.

I would be the one who started the loop with our tether being Max.” You tried to explain.

“Why me? Why would this Vecna person choose me as a pawn?” Billy asked “Max, she is close to you and he knows she is close to Eleven. Max is the reason our powers are working still. Or Eleven’s the reason she got them back after so long.” You explain to Billy.

“If Max is a tether to El then Billy is your tether then, which means he doesn’t die in your ideal world.” Steve connects “You were in love with Billy the whole time!” Robin shouts connecting the dots.

“Way to out me like that bitch.” You mutter under your breath. Billy’s eyes widen as he takes a big gulp he adjusts himself in his chair.

What if there was another way to end the time loop?

What if Billy didn’t have to die?

“What if we summon Vecna?” Billy proposed.

“How?” Robin asked, “I could do it.” You quietly say as you sit straddled across Billy’s lap your face buried in his chest.

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