Church-Rodrick Heffley

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Church- Rodrick Heffley
Song:Church:Chase Atlantic

Warnings: Mention of religion, Sex, Underage Drinking, Smoking, Swearing.

Across the room through the corner of your eye you could see someone smirking at you. You knew who it was and chose to ignore the person for various reasons.

Feeling eyes burning into the back of your skull. Memories of a past life reeling through your mind like a movie.

Wearing nothing but his t-shirt, the way his bed felt like the most comfortable thing the next morning.

Smelling like his cologne the next day. For once he cleaned his room glazing at the hallway painted beige and decorative art and family photos as he led you to his room.

On the ground you sat on your knees with him infront of you. Empty cans of differnt brands and flovors of energy drinks littered around his room as a form of decoration.

Only after the moonlight changed to morning sunlight into his bedroom. On your knees for something other than to pray oh how your parents would be pissed. A few drinks in with a nice buzz you gladly accepted the thought of going to his room.

“You’re so fine baby,” He whispered into your ear nibbling on your earlobe as he began to move down your neck.

You grinded against one another, breathy moans escaped your lips as you grinded against him. Although, the memories weren’t just during school, it was durning church. At school functions and even in your dreams as you sleep. You couldn’t get the thought of him off of your mind. He looked at you like he knew that night was all you were able to think about.

Maybe it secretly got him off thinking about you thinking about the way your sweaty bodies collide against eachother. That Sunday he was with his family. It was Easter. His little brother had just had a situation in church. You were there sat next to your grandparents because they forced you to be. It really didn’t matter that you didn’t even celebrate Easter your grandparents went for the free snacks and coffee at the church.

Once again he glanced at you making eye contact for a few seconds at a time. You breath gets caught in you thrat once again you flashback to the movie and the way you grinded against the seat in class thinking about how he was speaking in tongues to you that night. How you were entranced by lust to the point it practically raidated off of your body.

As everyone left your grandparents told you to go to the car and wait for them. You loiterd outside the church knowing that he could find you. At that point you were just enjoying some frsh air.

“Hey, baby.” He said you saw him walk up to you but you froze and by the time you snapped out he was next to you. You grabbed his hand and led him to the hidden corner of the side of the church.

“Stop looking at me like that!” You  scolded, throwing your hands from his. “Like what baby?” he asked “You know how Rodrick!” You said dramatically “Come on baby confess. I know you keep thinking of me.” He said with a smirk leaning over you one arm propped up over your head. “No I don’t.” You stutter “Oh yeah?” He said smirking and raised an eyebrow moving his knuckle under your chin forcing you to look at him.

“Aren’t your parents going to be looking for you, Heffley?” You ask steering the conversation away from that night. “No, now confess baby I know it’s weighing on your conscience.” He repeats “Shut up,” You retaliate trying to shove past him to no avail.

“Not until you confess, baby.” He says blocking you. “Come on move, Rodrick, my grandparents are looking for me.” You say pleading to get out of there away from him. “Fine, but this isn’t over, baby.” Rodrick calls as you walk away practically running.

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