Testing 004-Klaus Hargreeves

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Warning: Smut, Drug Use, Teen Pregnacy, Mental Abuse/Trauma.

Testing Number 004-Klaus Hargreeves x FAB reader

On the first day of the twelfth month on the twelfth hour of the day in 1989. 42 women gave birth however this was peculiar because when the day began none of the women were pregnant. Sir Reginald Hargreeves an eccentric billionaire from the city set out to adopt as many as he could. He got seven…

Within the span of a few years, another was laid upon his front doorstep in the night only to be found the next rainy morning swaddled in a pastel blue blanket. 

As his adoptive children grew up he knew he needed to figure out if their children would have the same gifts as they had. Number Eight is the perfect candidate for a child to be the strongest. As well as Number Four who had gifts far beyond his knowledge. Selecting the children would be a task for their robotic mother.

Grace had been constructed to aid the children when they scraped their knees. Reginald couldn’t be bothered to raise the children. In his eyes, they were just test subjects waiting to be discussed.

“Klaus dear your father wishes to see you.” grace calmly told the teenage boy. He hid the blunt he was rolling underneath a pillow. Grace couldn’t smell which saved him from an ass chewing.

Grace peered into another room down the hall. She saw a young girl with her head buried in a book. She was focused on the novel gripping its pages. “Honey I apologize for interrupting you. However, your father wishes to see you in his office.” Grace told her she places a thin piece of cardstock in between the thin pages. Smoothing out the plaid skirt of her dreadful prep school uniform. Sitting with her ankles crossed in a chair in front of her father’s desk.

They both were nervous each teen sat fidgeting with each bad deed running through as if he had caught them. “My children I have wished to speak to you today about producing an heir for me.” Reginald started leaning forward a bit. “Why us father?” the girl asked.

“You will find out as you blossom.” Reginald blandly said Klaus was quiet his head bowed in shame. He knew you two were both too young. You had;t even hit eighteen yet. Afraid to object in fear that he might get locked in the dark room again. The spirits haunt him when the pain comes flooding back and the high is gone.

“You two have a few months to figure this out. However, you must produce an heir.” Reginald bargained before he told them to get out of his office. As they left their heads hung low as they exited the office.

Grace lead them to a room the next day. “Until you two conceive you will not leave this room,” Reginald instructed. Grace set down a tray next to the bed. It was all sterile and white like a psych ward you see in the movies. You two couldn’t even look at each other. How were you to spend months in this room? Better yet how were you supposed to muster enough courage to even look at him?

Time was ticking before his high wore off. Cameras were only placed to face the doorway. “Wanna smoke?” Klaus offered with a pre-roll he snuck in. “No!” you protested debating if it would make it truly easier. You had never gotten high before, you barely left your bedroom.

The worst thing you did was bite your nails and read smut. You were supposed to be the “good girl”. Sitting in the corner of the room with one of your books in hand. Sit across for him, your best friend and adoptive brother. “How perverted and fucked up was this old man?” You thought staring off at a phrase. The words read “Fuck it!” spelling out your daring emotions.

However, your ambition was captivating. It was false. Midnight struck, it was getting late and only one bed was provided. He offered to sleep on the floor. “No, you don’t have to sleep on the floor.” You suggested he sleep next to you. Something you hadn't done since you were children.

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