"That's like the easiest thing I could do." I knew my request was simple but I love to hear how pretty he sings.

"We'll I've never heard you sing before, well besides the beginning of your song as me and Velvet went to go buy matching yachts." I remember stumbling back, to hear a taste of his soft airy voice, that carried the sense of femininity. It sounded stunning but I was interrupted by velvet calling my name.

"Wait you heard that?" I giggled as his face was consumed in an ink colored flush as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Yeah I forgot something, went back and faintly heard you, I mean you sounded pretty but I wasn't really given the chance to actually experience it."  I lamented at being denied the opportunity to listen to a troll sing for the first time. 

"Oh wow that's kinda embarrassing but sure Veneer, I'll sing you a song but you have to go for a check up." Wow for once I was able to witness something embarrassing he did instead of the other way around. I've definitely have to dig up more dirt on him, maybe John has some embarrassing photos.

Maybe Floyd had an embarrassing preppy boy phrase that he wished he could smoosh down forever, or theres the tingling possibility that he too got a frosted perm much like his baby brother. 

I'll definitely indulge that thought later, but I rose a brow in silent questioning as my lover put a coat over my shoulders before it was quickly answered as he picked me up, I let out a yelp as I wrapped my legs around his midriff as to not fall.

"Wait right now!?" My hands gripped his shoulders as he moved us yet again out of the room, the soft pads of his feet trotting against the ground as we made our way out the door

"Yes right now, I'll feel better the sooner you go." I rolled my eyes with a thick fog of blush consuming my face as he was determined to make sure that me and the baby are okay.

"Ugggg finee~"



We reached the clinic, this one larger than the one biggie had brought me too, This must be their version of a hospital so with my head resting on top of Floyd's we entered the large teal colored pod and The waft of antiseptics hit me hard, it made bile tingle the back of my throat at the medical taste, that reminded me of my parents extreme length of making sure I had good teeth.

The faint scent of blood and tears lingered in the waiting room with it making me dizzy as I was brand new to having the smallest of scents drive my stomach into emptying itself on the floor.

A tension resides throughout the enitre corridor as stretchers squeek and the beeping of devices ring througout the room.  This was much more advanced then I thought, perhaps they forwent the eco friendliness when it came to their health care. It definitely would make sense.

"Mr.Floyd the doctors ready for your husband hun" the nurses voice pierced through my thoughts as I didn't even realize Floyd had checked me in, I really was tuning out too much, letting myself get lost in my thoughts too often.

my eyes placed themselves in my husbands sparkly spinel eyes as my body shivered and tingled with anxiety as we both made our way into the new room down the vast wide hallway.

Entering the room, it looked like a stereotypical doctors office with a large ultra sound machine, off to the side, the monitor and the miniature wand made a weird hot feeling worm itself into my gut as I laid down, my loving sweetheart gripping my hand as he pressed kisses to my cheek, trying to soothe me but failing as soon as the doctor came into the room,

She was purple-skinned older Troll dignified by age with her crows feet with deep blueish purple hair. She wore a white doctors coat and a white headband with a small red bug as it's ornament as well as circular glasses with thick glossy ink colored frames that sat on the edge of her wide lavender nose.

Her appearance made her appear cold especially with her straight dead pan expression but her sky blue eyes were stuffed with warmth upon seeing me.

She didn't talk much and cut straight to the chase with a smear of ice cold gel on my warm abdomen a wand was glued to me, Floyd kept twirling his fingers through the loose strands that escaped their confines out of his nervousness at the possibility of bad news.

Whispering soft coos of comfort in my ear as we waited for the doctor to make her analysis and give both me and my fiancé the results of her observation.

"Ah- here we go there they are." The wand stopped as an image was on the screen, the older woman then turned to reveal the picture to us and we saw a miniature dot, however there were two other dots both fluctuating. I looked towards the doctor who had a wide uncanny grin on her face as we all just kinda stared at the screen,

"So what does this mean for us?" Floyd tightly gripped my hand, the same level of confusion and worry as me due to the fact that we had no clue what we were working at,

"Well Floyd, your husband here and all three children are fine, yep all four of them are completely healthy." I could hear the glass of my psyche completely shatter upon that news, with no hesitation I released an undignified wail at the shocking news.

"Im sorry the Four of us?!?" I let out the loudest screech at the news of the fact that i wasn't just pregnant with one, but three. I'm so fucked, three whole babies.

"Yes, three completely healthy triplets, congratulations sweetheart." The doctors voice rung like a chiming bell in my head as I completely blanked out.

Three, that number left a tingling feeling in my chest as my heart pulsed, my hand flew down to my swollen stomach and ran the pads of my fingers over the still squishy skin as tears blurred my vision and left fiery hot trails down my face.

Floyd's reaction was worth laughing at with his eyes as wide as dinner plates with tears clumping up at his waterline as he let out a breathy chuckle.


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