Grandma's house

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The decorative eggshell colored door soon opened and my grandmother betty answered the door.

My grandma Betty was just as spindly as me and my sister but she was taller than me my a full head, her hair was a vivid sunshine gold with my color of deep ocean blue eyes on her ears were dangling earrings made from crow feathers and small circular wire frame glasses sat on her straightened nose.

She wore a vivid sky blue maxi dress that was decorated with crows with a velvet black choker that held a chain below it which ended in a amazing triangular shaped citrine around her neck.

"Ven!" Her long bluish white arms reached out to hug me and I accepted her affection and smiled at her being affectionate towards me.

"Oh my sweet baby look how big you've gotten." She put her hands with obsidian colored fingernails on my cheeks blabbing excitedly at seeing me again,

"Hi grandma Betty, it's nice to see you too but I need to ask a favor." I felt weak and embarrassed to ask her for help especially since I didn't really like bothering the ones I love with my presence, but that was most likely a trait I picked up from being beside velvet for all these years constantly dealing with her belittling and disrespectful attitude.

"Of course sweetpea! You know me and grandma Kathy will do anything for you love." The warmth of her pale bluish lipped smile and her crows feet crinkled with legitimate affection for me made me strong enough to ask,

"Can me and my boyfriend stay here for two days? It's just he needs to get back home-" I was interrupted by my Grandma saying,

"A boyfriend?" Her eyes squinted as she smirked and her eyebrows consistently were raising up and down in rapid succession. I flushed at her knowing shit eating grin and sighed at her.

"Yes Grandma, this is my boyfriend Floyd." I held out my hand to my shoulder to let him jump on and lifted him up for my grandma to see. She let out a gasp and Floyd looked at me for help and I quirked a eyebrow before she cooed,

"Oh he's such a cutie! Aww he's such a doll." She gently pinched his cheek and he awkwardly grinned at her sickly sweet attention. He smiled and held out his hand for her to shake,

"Hi I'm Floyd, but Veneer said that already huh?" He couldn't figure out what to say and I couldn't help but giggle at his awkwardness. He got flustered and I leaned in to softly breath in his downward pointed hear,

"Relax sweetheart you're doing great." I then placed a kiss on the back of his neck where his hair met skin. And I could see my grandma squirming with agony probably wanting to rant about how cute the both of us were together and she soon proceeded to do exactly that,

"OH you two are so adorable together! I honestly thought Ven would never find someone to be serious about but oh I'm so happy!" I puffed my cheeks out in embarrassment as she wasn't necessarily wrong. Floyd is the first person I've ever wanted to be serious with, he just gets me in ways that many others wouldn't. Even Taylor was a temporary fling just to have fun. But I can genuinely see a future where me and this adorable little gumdrop could be together forever.

"Well we just need a place to stay until we're able to find his brothers." She nodded and looked a tad more excited as we all heard a door open. From the back door in kitchen I can see my grandma Kathy carrying in groceries, she was lankier and taller than my grandma Betty but her color palette was reversed, my Grandma Kathy had blue hair and golden eyes, her skin was a grayish silver that had multiple specks of glitter in it with baby bubblegum pink lips.

"Oh my stars Veneer!" She put the groceries down and ran over to me quickly taking me into her arms and keeping me smothered.

"Oh Kathy be careful love, Veneer brought his little boyfriend over." My other grandmother pushed me until I was arms length and saw my boyfriend sitting in the center of my hand shyly waving at my other grandmother,

"Oh isn't he a darling. But my you two must be tired, I mean it's already dark out why don't we have some dinner and then you boys can go up to bed." My grandma Kathy went back to the kitchen to start dinner prep and I looked to my other grandma.

"But grandma what about Floyd, he doesn't have anything-"

"Don't worry darling I have something that will fit him no problem, you forget that I design clothes for the funk trolls." I forgot about her fashionista endeavors along with her spiritual ones.

"Okay grandma thank you." Floyd quickly followed my thanks with his own and his smile was so sweet and infectious.

"Dinners ready!"  I looked at the clock and saw only a few minutes have gone by and I looked to my grandma Betty for some answers,

"She only needed to grab garlic for the pasta but she knew we were running out of stuff." Ah that definitely explained it and I walked into the kitchen my shoes creaking against the wooden floors of their home.

I reached the table and took a seat placing my mini lover on the table next to my plate.

I felt like I was home again and I was showing my new boyfriend my safe space, the place i'd run to after Velvet's temper tantrums, sometimes with bruises others I would show up in the midst of a full blown panic attack.

As both by grandmas sat down after serving dinner and getting an extra plate for me and my gumdrop to participate the wafting of garlic made my mouth water and I could tell my tiny partner was as effected as I was by it's rich delicious aroma.

As I dug my fork into my spaghetti watching Floyd pick up penne noodles with his tiny hands, I let the noise of them getting along fade into quiet pleasant static.


Dinner was lovely especially as my grandmas and Floyd were bonding over romantic comedies and now I sat at the Victorian themed mahogany vanity table with an attached mirror, my cutie pie ranting about how he he wished he could eat my grandma's cooking every day and I frankly couldn't blame him. My grandma's know how to make delicious food.

I blushed my hair down and fixed my stocking that hugged my thighs and legs like a second skin. I wore a spaghetti strapped camisole that was a bit sheer with matching little shorts and Floyd was in a long sleeved and ankle length matching set of deep maroon red pajamas that had pink rose designs scattered across the fabric.

He hopped onto the mini pillow that was squishy to the feel and pulled the blanket up to his chest and slipped quickly asleep.

I chuckled at how quickly he went down but I knew I wasn't too far behind from being able to keep my eyes open. So with a stretch I tucked myself in and slipped off into my dreams.

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