A siblings night out part 2: Exes and Oh

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As my mind spun from the colors dancing across my eyes, I could feel my teeth vibrating in my mouth.

However through my haze I saw a weird light purple skinned Troll with blue, teal and green long straight hair. He had thick blue eyebrows and a peach-colored nose. He has blue eyes that can sometimes look purple in certain lighting, with golden glitter freckles walking up to my sister and boyfriend who were chatting happily with each other.

As they both noticed his approach I could see the color draining from both of their faces, Poppy's face formed a snarl while I watched as Floyd started to shake with his eyes prickling his waterline.

"Floyd?" His easy to digest British mixed accent called out to my boyfriend in a happy questioning.

"Creek?" His voice started to shake and I started to make my way over to them slowly picking up how their voices dropped as to not draw attention to themselves.

"Wait you two know each other?!" Poppy grew confused like I have and I rose an eyebrow, as I made my way through the crowd my vision doubling as I could taste the fresh flavor of blue raspberry on my tongue making me vibrate.

"Yes poppy, we were in love at one point-" the liliac skinned troll started only to have Floyd have a disgusted look on his face as he snarled,

"Yeah and then you stabbed me in the back you selfish arrogant grr-" Poppy held my boyfriend back as her eyes grew watery as he was ruining the atmosphere of our niche group.

"Look Floyd-" the teal haired troll named Creek started only for my boyfriend to cry out,

"You used me!" My heart dropped at the familiar words that I've felt before. I felt my pain as Floyd practically hid behind Poppy, the Queen wanting to do unholy things to him.

"Hey what's going on." I wrapped my arms around Floyd's midsection and stared at the new intruder who clearly held a place of contempt in both Poppy and Floyd's book.

"And who is this lovely pearl?" His blue shifting to purple eyes were piecing into mine as he took my hand playing gently with my longer cyan fingernails.

I swallowed down the disgust that wormed itself up my throat at his sleazy behavior. I looked towards my sister and boyfriend and saw confused worried looks on their faces,

"Do you and Floyd know each other?" I gave a cutesy confused look with my index finger on my lips with my best puppy dog eyes. He immediately melted into my adorable charade that I learned from watching Velvet over the years as she begged our parents for whatever she wanted.

"Well we dated my over sized slice of key lime pie, I mean we broke up for a reason." I hummed at his nickname for me, it was original so I dod have to give it to him that way but I could feel my knuckles twitch with the ache of wanting to hit something as I watched this Sleeze ball try to flirt with me.

"What was the reason." Poppy and Floyd both looked spooked as my voice dropped an octave as my voice took a chilly growl. I stepped closer my height towering over his, as I looked towards my family I silently threw my left hand back telling them nonverbally I got this.

"Well, I mean we just didn't connect-"

"Bullshit! You used me... I was just your rebound because Clay rejected you." his eyes looked down refusing to meet mine and I could piece together how much that must hurt.

"Oh please Floyd it wasn't like we together that long to be intimate-" he rolled his eyes and I felt him interlinking our fingers together and watched as Floyd was shaking as he probably presuming that I was going to be swept away,

ForeverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon