Blissful aftermaths

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After I showered, I wrapped the towel around my chest and yawned as the warmth from the shower was bleeding into my bones.

My droopy eyes were met with the sight of Floyd already passed out, his nose shoved into the pillow as he snoozed, I let out a breathy chuckle as he was out like a light.

I looked out the window to see the moon in full bloom as it sat in that glittery black pool shining down; casting a light silvery serene blanket on Pop Village, it was officially twilight and I cracked my neck as I dropped the towel and started to pick up the jar of dust that was on my vanity, unscrewing the lid before brushing the dust into my fur,

It's becoming not only a soothing ritual that helps me relax and prepare for bed, but it helps Floyd and the kids go down easier especially the new hibiscus scent that Poppy created by crushing up some of the flowers that Bruce found on Vaycay island.

I slipped into my soft, worn pajamas aka my Brozone shirt that I've taken a liking to that was still stretched in the stomach area from my pregnancy, feeling the familiar comfort of the soft fabric against my skin.

It made me feel warm as I remember how this was the shirt I went into labor with, the one that I had to take off and put in a little basket before being put under.

This shirt was now a sentimental item I refused to give up so easily especially as I can remember it being snug around my growing belly, the fabric stretching as the eggs shifted beneath my skin and flutters of excitement filled my stomach as I pondered what type of people they were going to grow into.

Hell, I wore this shirt to my baby shower that happened almost three days after the kids hatched, and nursery preparations that had to be done in such a ridiculously short time since the hellions were already here.

And then, I can remember as my due date was slowly creeping up on me, I went into labor while wearing this very shirt, my heart fluttering as my husband told me how much he thought I was beautiful and stunning even with the gross stretch marks that now are a very pale almost whitish pink and not that heinous deep dark pink that made me look like I got attacked by a tiger.

The memories were flooding back in tsunami's as I'm reminded of not only the love and joy of becoming a father wash over me, but the love of my life who had given me the chance for that to be possible.

He was a jack ass but he's mine, for now and forever.

As I smoothed over the fabric with my hands, I can feel the tears leak from how grateful I am for this simple piece of fabric that bore witness to one of the most profound moments of my life.

Christ this shirt was there for me more than my parents were...but that wasn't really saying much was it...

But, I really am attached to this shirt, not just for its sentimental value, but for the reminder it carries of the miracle of what love can do and the bond between me and those demon spawn along with their fathers hilarious panic.

The sounds of crickets created a soft buzzing melody as the I was the only one awake out of all of my children and my husband,

Speaking of my husband, I turned my head  to glance at my sleeping partner, upon seeing his adorable little periwinkle nose scrunch as he snored I was filled with a wave of fondness and love.

This man was able to turn my life around in a full 180 and guided me to a better path away from my narcissistic cold sister who would've thrown me away as soon as I held no purpose to her anymore.

My eyes wondered to the window and saw how the soft glow of the moonlight streams straight through the the glass, were illuminating his soft and peaceful features that were so fitting for his face, making him look so much more youthful than he already was.

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