The Rage dome- Floyd's pov

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Me and Branch's prayers were soon answered as Velvet Strolled into the Venue absorbing all the flashing lights that blared in her eyes, her hair was in a bendy updo with her hair being a half up half down updo with swirls of hair curling in on itself. Her hair looked eerily similar to a treble clef.

Her outfit was a shiny eggshell white suit top that had over exaggerated leaf like shoulder pads that had pink noodle like tendrils hanging off of it with three diamonds that sat on both shoulders and her chest. The two on her shoulders were easily larger than the one that sat dead center.

"Velvet! Give me back my siblings!" Viva yelled at the main imposter flames licking her irises as her tail curled up in attack the camera flashing as she stepped closer, me and Branch staring at them from our spot from behind her car.

"Yeah! What she said!" Clay yelled at the giants who were stepped closer. Bruce and John dory staying back looking for Poppy and her brother, my eyes scanning them as well until I saw Veneer in one of the violet crystals that adorned her shoulder pads, his green painted lips were in a frown as he looked at Viva hoping to catch her attention by repeatedly putting his hands against the class before pointing at the other side.

I moved my gaze to where he tried to point only to see Poppy in the purple diamond that sat in the matching crystal that was imbedded on the other shoulder, they're both in her shoulder pads hidden away from sight.

"You don't know what you're talking about, troll." Velvet snarled at them and I had to hold in a growl at her condescending snarky tone.

"You're stealing Poppy's and Veneer's talent, because you have none of your own, you big Oh, you big phonie!" Viva cried as Clay tried to hold her back their fans gasping and murmuring in surprise at the possibility.

Their eyes glancing around to see if the illusive missing man was going to make his grand entrance soon only for them to look back at the main twin.

"You're just a stupid Troll!" Viva seemed to snap at that before reaching into her pocket pulling out a small stone.

With a shrill cry she chucked the stone at the crystal that held poppy, all of eyes blowing wide at the gigantic crack the stone made. I thought it only took the family harmony to break it but it appears that I'm gratefully wrong.

Breaking them out was going to be much more easier.

"Okay, I need to leave. Like Right now." She stuttered as she tried to fix the crack that formed on Poppy's crystal.

I could hear the start of "Sweet Dreams" playing as the beat thumped over the speakers of her car.

"Follow that luxury vehicle!" Viva cried out as John, Clay, Bruce along with Tiny diamond made their way back into John's baby.

"On it, Aunt Viva!" The small glitter troll cried out as he started the engine again,

I started mine and slammed my foot on the gas petal, our violet caterbug vehicle riding right on the bumper of the white luxurious car.

Smirking as Velvet probably didn't even realize that me and Branch were practically on top of her.

"What's up, Mount Rageous? You didn't think I was just gonna give you a boring, old stage show, did you?" Her sugary sweet performance voice gave me the urge to puke at the falsehoods she was upholding as I saw out the rear view mirror that Branch was getting a hook to attach us to the vehicle.

"That's what we explicitly bought tickets for." One random Rageon responded as he was stunned by his favorite artist's words.

"I'm taking this show on the road!" She held out her arms as the many cars yelled out cheers from their windows, the bright golden star cameras circled her as they flashed.

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