New home with house warming gifts

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We were eventually lead to a tall tree that had had a small home sticking a tiny bit from the trunk.  I looked at where Branch's bunker was and it was good distance away, it wasn't anywhere as close as Poppy made it out to be thank god or whatever higher troll entity is haunting the etherial plane.

However to them this was probably the closest thing to being right next to each other especially since their pods and other associated buildings were so distantly spaced out just like this dwelling and my boyfriend's brother's home.

It had a gravel walkway that led to the smooth mahogany door which was hidden yet framed by two tall jagged rocks that acted as if they were pillars holding up a balcony. 

The balcony was a smooth rock that had a raven colored metallic rail posts with matching obsidian hand rails. The door that lead to the balcony matched the front door in color were double wide doors with shiny reflective glass that I couldn't see through.

That probably means it's two way glass which I didn't know that Trolls have access to. I mean It's odd how much technological advancements they don't have access to, they have homes, picture frames but not computers or phones but to be fair on their behalf they do live in the forest and probably have to keep it as low tech as possible to keep the environment clean for them to continue on living there.

But I was struggling to keep my arms around my beloveds neck because they started to go numb from being in their position for too long, I leaned up into his ear and said,

"You know you don't have to carry me, I know I'm heavy." My beloved made me look into his eyes as he paused and pushed our noses together and he whispered right back to me,

"I want to and besides I think you're too light for my liking so when we're done exploring and decorating I'm going to cook you a five course dinner." I'm not going to lie but I am extremely excited at the aspect of a large meal basically since it's been a while since I was allowed to indulge in my gluttonous appetite.

Commonly, I found myself lacking real meals and was often found binging on Oreos in the middle of the night after my sister started to control what I ate and made me dance the non existent calories off to keep the skinny aesthetic that she wanted for us.

One thing that did impress me about Velvet during our singing career is that she kept the same standard for herself too and it wasn't a one sided affair like a lot of things in our old dynamic.

My thinking was hastily put to an end as Floyd put his mouth to mine and my heart jumped and pulsed as if I was electrocuted by his kiss. I loved kissing him, his mouth was so warm and his tongue was soft as if it were made from silk and tasted like strawberry candy. My body felt as if I was floating at the devotion he expressed whenever we locked lips.

I let out a soft moan when he stopped and brought our foreheads together and I could see the reflection of my royal blue eyes in his picturesque amaranth irises. My blush was fierce so I glanced away to escape those beautiful glittery spinel eyes that looked into mine with such loving devotion only to have his lips meet my neck instead giving it a ginger peck and continued on with Poppy as she was explaining the whole story behind the house. As she was explaining something she said caught my attention,

"For some reason the bedroom is sound proof, but we found a bunch of guitars so me and branch think that some type of Troll didn't want their music to interfere with Branch's grumpiness or they left long before everyone got here. We're not really sure but-" she rapidly explained further I tuned out the second she said sound proof.

That's a relief especially since I almost had a heart attack the day my grandmothers wanted to talk to Floyd alone, I hoped that I wasn't too loud that night while I unconsciously indulged in my fantasies but I woke him up so I honestly have no clue how loud I was in my sleep. But I got him to admit that he thought I was pretty enough for him to seek out his own satisfaction.

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