Hours before

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I glanced at the clock that sat on the silverish purple walls of Velvet's room to see it was half past 6, we had three more hours until the show began and Me and Poppy were forced to be quiet and complicit with Velvet and her girl toy to do what they pleased with us.

I looked towards the sleeping couple only seeing one of their chests moving up and down.

I smirked as The venom finally pumped itself fully through her system and now it's taken it's toll. I can at least breathe easier at the idea that there's one out of two left to worry about.

My eyes went down to my sister who snuggled against me with her head laying on my abdomen protective of the newly discovered life form that was hastily developing. I had 5 weeks to fully either get Velvet in Jail or kill her.

I wish that there was a less harmful option than killing her but I have no choice, I have to think about the baby that's now forming, if I was too weak to do something they'd be totally defenseless.

Not as defenseless as I'm feeling right now as I attempted to hold back my cries attempting to go to sleep as to maybe rebuild my energy but certain thoughts kept creeping up,

Like I wonder how he's going to react? Would he be happy, sad, I honestly could pick any amount of emotions from the bin. I know that I'm weirdly enough attached and can't wait to see the little gremlin that now made my heart burn worse, I'm guessing the egg forms first then I push it through waiting for it to hatch.

But that raises another question, if I go through Velvet's juicer would only the eggshell be effected because it's the only thing that formed so far, if a Trolls reproductive system is stronger than I believe it is, they definitely have a fighting chance and still be normal afterwards maybe some dabs of white but still relatively normal.

If Floyd was anything to go by, the worse case scenario is that I'd die before the eggs would be affected, but I could only hope I'm right based on what I've seen so far with Floyd having his life drained.

but I couldn't help myself as I ran my knuckles across my midriff, a life form.. a baby made from the love between me and their father..

A sickening overwhelming joy was working itself down to my bones as a dumb smile formed on my face.

I never thought that I'd ever have a baby, I would've probably adopted once I became a dentist. But I suppose life throws random curve balls that you'll never expect, like Velvet cutting the breaks, or me meeting Floyd in the first place along with Poppy and Viva...

But honestly I'm glad that this random ball was thrown my way as weird enough as it is.

My curiosity turned into a fluttering feeling as I wondered if Floyd would be attentive,
Tenderly treating me as if I were made from glass draping himself over me as to silently listen to the muffled heartbeat of the baby troll that's in there.

That made a thick blush form on my face as I could totally imagine him spinning me around with tears in those sweet magenta eyes as he kisses me.

He'd be an amazing father, especially if what he told me about Branch was true and now that they're all back together again, he'll have his brothers help him out.

But what the fuck was I going to do... I have Poppy and Viva to help me out as well but I never really had a relationship with my mother, I bonded more with my father but he was absent most of the time due to his dental career while my mother was off buying velvet whatever she wanted as to not upset the delicate balance of our quiet household.

A balance of two absent parents and two kids who had no restrictions, no rules... no morals. One child blending into the background acting like a jack in the box, with popping up when needed while the other screamed and kicked for attention..

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