Nervous questions-(Floyd's pov)

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"Veneer you know we've been together for about maybe a month or two but known each other for much longer." I conducted the whole speech that Clay walked me through feeling my heart pulsating as my words shook.

"Of course gumdrop, what's wrong you look nervous" his pearly white hand caressed my cheek as those big sodalite eyes were focused on me. Those glittery jewels making my throat close at their glistening beauty as he moved his body closer to me, his bent knees touching mine as he placed his hands in mine intertwining our fingers

"I- I don't how to say this,but the moments with you have been the best of my life and it's weird since I was kidnapped but kinda not because you weren't really involved and-" I knew I blabbing and totally going of script from what Clay wanted me to say and I was just letting the words spill from my mouth. A thumb rubbing against my under eye area brought my focus as my lover spoke again,

"Darling your trailing off, just tell me what's wrong sweetheart." Those big beautiful oceanic blues were trained on mine as those deep raven painted lips were twisted in a sweet smile as he was wearing that dress, that created a gap in the chest whenever he bended revealing soft tuffs of chest fluff.

It looked stunning on him but It is pretty common feature for male Trolls to have.

The tuffs of hair on their chests were used keep warm however due to it not being as cold anymore we as a species, we started trimming it to set up a type of beauty standard.

However on the other hand, after it's usefulness for warmth ran out, it evolved into a different use as a defense to look bigger than our attackers, also to look for a mate because it is shiny, thick and super fluffy. Our chest fur will always be a feature that we carry that I do know, especially since scratching it could calm down a male troll into docility,

So the temptation to scratch his chest now to feel the silky soft strands dancing across my fingers as I feel him purr against me was strong enough to feel my fingers twitch in urgency as to feel the downy fur.

But most males don't keep it since it was more of hassle to take care of the fur and was much preferred to shave the piles of downy fur. I was one of them, along with the majority of male pop trolls,

I do also acknowledge that Bruce is a exception besides a few more trolls, because he kept his chest fluff as well with it looking very extremely thin due to excessive plucking,

It was stylized but he still kept it and I don't blame him with the fact that he was currently living on a warm sunny island made sense for him to trim and pluck however I've seen brandy's pitch black colored eyes roam over it more than once in a singular setting with her letting out a rawr at the sight of it.

Just like her I too want to behave like an animal at seeing Veneer's plush patch of fur wanting to lay my head on top of it while I rode- I stopped myself short at my new founded fantasy and kept thinking,

Another difference between Veneer and Bruce as well Bruce purposely dyed his chest fluff to the color of his hair with the roots of a cherry tree. Veneer's on the other hand was a pure snow white, blending into his peach fuzz flawlessly.

It was definitely thinly layered across his chest in the shape of a heart. But That stunning mint green dress made some of the thin clumps of hair escape from their skin tight confines.

I grabbed him by both of his hands and pressed a kiss to them as we sat next to the water,

the soft tranquility of the night was peaceful; the soft chirping of crickets, the fireflies that buzzed around and the soft gentle moonlight was blanketed over us  making the dark scenery much more romantic. Especially the glowing pool of water that illuminated him making his features stand out any more.

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