Finding brozone only to find a queen

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The forest was genuinely vast,the colors getting much more brighter and unnatural in color as Floyd guided me closer to where his brothers might be located.

As we've trekked through the woods I kept asking him questions about himself and his kind completely ignoring the bomb that had been dropped on my mental well being and he answered every question I had as best as he could.

"So, is it just pop trolls or what?" I lifted a low hanging branch and shifted my thin body through the undercarriage of the branch and Floyd made a small humming noise before answering me,

"Well, I used to think it was just us but then Bruce updated me just how many Troll species there are." I looked down at him and saw how he sat criss cross on my shoulder, his arm lifted high enough to tightly grip on the edge of my cardigan. I again opened my mouth to ask,

"What are the different types of trolls?" I noticed how we had to cross the bubblegum pink river that blended into a cotton candy blue. As i stepped closer ready to hop on the large jagged rock Floyd answered me,

"There's pop, funk, rock, classical, country and techno but there's lot of sub genres each with their own monarchy." I lifted my leg and stretched it out far enough to get on the only flat part on the giant rock before responding,

"Wait you guys have monarchies?" I Pulled my body upward to hurl it towards the rock, trying hard to not wobble and fall and once I landed on the platform perfectly he answered my question,

"Well yeah, every troll kingdom has a monarch, we pop trolls have queen Poppy, country has queen Delta dawn, classical trolls have Wolfgang Amadeus Trollzart. Techno has king Trollex, rock as Queen Barb and Funk has both King Quincy and Queen Essence. And... I believe that's all we know I'm positive that all the sub genres have kings and queens too." I leaped again to get across the river and landed quite ungracefully but I didn't get us drenched, so that was a bonus.

As we kept onwards in our journey I began to notice that not only the colors became unnatural but so did the textures, water looked like silvery blue tinsel, leaves looked as if they were covered in mold because of their fuzziness, the sky was a stereotypical pale blue and I looked towards my companion for him to give me a small reassurance that i was heading in the right direction, he glanced around our current destination and nodded his head pointed straight,

"We're definitely on the right track." That was calming my raising anxieties but there was a question that bounced around my head as I dodged a fluffy lime green spider I decided to let my nervous thoughts slip from my mouth,

"If I keep kissing you doesn't that mean i'm taking your essence forcefully so doesn't that mean i'm no better than my sister right now." Floyd hummed before answering me,

"Maybe it has to do with the fact that it's consensual and maybe, your replenishing me with your own, as if we were suppling each other almost like a cycle. But that's the closest theory I have but we would have to confirm it with the pop trolls previous king, King peppy, he would definitely have some difinitive answers for us. But please don't compare yourself to her." Floyd cooed into my ear comforting me as I walked along the felt looking ground and further into the forest that slowly more unrealistic as we inched closer.

"Hey Ven." He caught my attention and I was beaconed to his call of my nickname,

"Yeah gumdrop?" I waited for him to finish figuring out what to say before he started talking his way through what was currently running through his head,

"when you become a troll, do you want to..... I don't together?" I could feel him tugging on my cardigan as a nervous tick and that he was trying to ground himself after he asked a vulnerable question.

"I'd love to, especially if I'm allowed to make all of our clothes for our closet." My eyes caught his and he frantically nodded his head with a goofy relieved smile on his face as if I held the key to his happiness and it filled my heart with such a fulfilling  warmth that made me giddy to show him what I would totally decorate our possible future together, definitely some form of fairy light definitely,

"So where do you live?" I questioned him and he thunk on it for approximately two seconds before answering me with a,

"I live with the near troll village on the far outskirts of Bergen town. I've been kinda avoiding living with the others because..." he let his sentence drift off into the endless void of the increasing symphonies of the sounds of the forest before I realized what he meant to finish his sentence.

Because he didn't want to see how much his brother had grown without him, watching that knife twist itself into his chest, feeling like a complete failure which I absolutely do not blame him for. But I have to reinforce the idea that he needed to be in his brother's life because it was better late than never.

As I opened my mouth to speak a small call came from the distance, it sounded airy and feminine, it echoed itself into my ears and I went in the direction of the sound despite my smaller bit sized companion being confused, I could feel my legs pacing up in speed due to my anxiousness for losing that soft female voice, it could probably help up.

As I put my palm against a tree and panted as I tried to look for the voice again I could barely hear Floyd as he was drowned out by the sound of my rapid heartbeat and my raspy breaths as I rapidly darted my eyes around trying to see if I could pinpoint the area

only to gain my answer,

"Br~~~" it was closer and I can definitely tell that we're gaining up on it, I pushed off the tree with my hand and rapidly felt my body heating up as I ran closer to the voice, my boyfriend was probably gripping onto my cardigan for dear life as he was being dragged at a rapid pace trying to not fall off as I gained speed.

I paused at another tree to catch my breath again and suddenly heard the voice as if it was just a short walk away,

"Branch! Where did you go!?" Even my gumdrop stopped his protests at the sentence probably from the name of his youngest brother being called. I glanced around on the ground for a the source of the sound and turned to look behind a tree,

I was met with the sight of a small pink troll, she had a light pink complexion with rosy cheeks and glitter freckles; Her hair was a darker pink shade, while it was decorated with green headband with blue flowers, it was also stuck up in the air with the assistance of a blue hair tie and her outfit consisted of a blue dress held together by a white stitch on the shoulder, with a light blue wavy spade design. Her sparkly pink eyes glistening in concern as she yet again called out,

"BRANCH?!" Her eyes scanning the area her face twisting In sadness as her eyes filled with tears, with a sniffle she regained her focus and scanned the area again until her strawberry pink eyes eventually found my ocean blue.

With a widening of both of our eyes at the others presence, we were at a standstill.

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