Strolling to new beginnings- (floyd's pov)

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After John refused to leave me alone and put me in a layered deep burgundy pigmented leaf vest with black shorts, We eventually caught up with the three new siblings and my heart pulsed at the sight of him,

He wore his hair in a messy low bun, with multiple of his fixed green curls escaping their confines that were littered with large blooming ice blue roses. He had bangs that looked like Bruce's but they had less volume and ended in soft ringlets. Wearing that infamous dress that brought those flustered and hot feeling that I developed for him to a boiling point letting them spill.

However there were new accessories added like the ice blue diamond shaped stud earrings with a matching lace choker that looked like the tulle that followed him.The waistline was cinched just like the first time he wore it.

However this time it accentuated what he already had instead of masking the lack of a figure. His lips were painted obsidian just like that day. I can still remember those cold plush lips colliding with mine as he held me in the palms of his hands.

My heart was doing marathons with how fast it was racing, those glittery iolite eyes were placed in my pomegranate skin ones, I took his hand and pulled him closer to me, his smile at my affectionate pull was so sweet, like the most delicious ambrosia.

My brother's smug grins made me roll my eyes at their teasing but my stare was soon fixated on my beloved's warm attention with his pupils dilating as the world seemed to fade away from us.

"So what are we doing?" His voice was almost a whisper as I felt his chin sitting on my shoulder as I watched his ringlets of lime green hair fall against the skin on my indigo shoulder draping themselves tenderly against me.

"Well i set up a picnic a little ways away, so I was thinking of doing that." That was totally Bruce's idea since that's how he was able to woo his gigantic vaycay islander wife, so I didn't mind especially since all my brothers worked together to make this possible,

Branch gave me the ring, john put me in this outfit, Clay helped me come out with the right words to say and Bruce gave me the idea of what to do in order to propose.

I wanted to cry at the fact that we all came together to be a family again, and now we were inseparable. My thoughts were broken by a quick peck to my throat as my boyfriend's soft voice whispered in my ear.

"Sure gumdrop, lead the way honey-" his arm linked itself in mine as we waved to our companions,

Bruce winked with making obscene hand gestures towards us and John Dory made mocking kissy faces, Clay was wiping tears from his eyes with him and Branch gave me a thumbs up telling poppy he had something in his eyes.

A gave a watery smile as we moved away from our ragtag tightly knit family as the lights of the village becoming more dim as we strolled deeper into the woods leaving the village behind as we glided across the forrest floor.

As the fireflies flew over us I could see their small golden lights reflecting in my lovers eyes which were wide with fascination and curiosity about the small pill sized bugs,

"Does Mount Rageous not have fire flies?" I looked at him and was met with those vast blueberry colored eyes as he chuckled,

"Not at all, Honestly I never thought i'd see the night sky without blaring lights. I mean I saw the night sky a lot since Rageon's are nocturnal but i've never seen the stars so clearly or these cute lil guys-" he let the pea shaped bug land on his palm as it's small smile was adorable as it snuggled into the warmth of his palm, Veneer moved his other hand to rub his finger in between it's wings.

"Is that why we escaped during the day?" I never really noticed that until now as he pointed it out and it suddenly made sense as during my captivity why I was extra exhausted when both twins were around for glitzy interviews and performances.

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