Recovering memories

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I sat down in the familiar green couch of the interior of John's armadillo like Caterbus and a wave of deja Vu hit me like a fright train as my fingers through the plush material of the couch with Floyd resting his head on my lap with his nose against my abdomen.

The fingers on my other hand running through his soft raspberry sherbet colored hair as John revved up the engine before claiming,

"Well back to pop village everyone!" But no one except me was awake to hear. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind and I softly coughed as to get John's attention to which he looked at me with a raised eyebrow as I softly spoke as to not wake anyone else,

"Do you think you could make a quick stop for me?" He nodded with a bamboozled look on his face and gestured with his hand on the address,

"9648 Heritage Street, I have some stuff I wanna to bring with me, well I want a picture specifically." John glanced away from me to focus on the road as I laid my head back against the back of the couch as the soft texture of my beloved's hair soothing me from my anxiety.

I definitely want to recover some of my old things but I would have to deal with my uncle and aunt, I sighed as I wasn't really excited about dealing with the two of them but I wanted two photos, and I know their location if they didn't touch my room.

"Hey Veneer you okay? You look a bit stressed." I saw his blue eyes stare into mine in concern as he turned on his blinker.

"Yeah I am, it's just I'm not excited about seeing my aunt and uncle again, last time I saw them was before me and Velvet got famous." With them kicking us out of our house since my mom gave them the house in her will. But, that's what led Velvet to come up with a cheat code to overnight fame.

"Wow that's a while but what makes them so terrible that you're this stressed out?"

"Well, they didn't really like me and Velvet growing up, they thought we were too spoiled since our parents just kinda let us do whatever we wanted, and trust me they made it obvious that they didn't like us." I looked back upon those memories and shrugged, they didn't matter anymore but I did want some of my stuff back.

"Well if you want I can come with you."

"Could you actually?" My hand paused on the ministrations of gliding through Floyd's soft powdery dragon fruit hair, as I looked at my future brother in law,

"Sorry I'll mind my own- oh wait you said yes?"

"Yeah, I'd actually appreciate not facing them on my own.. plus maybe we can stop for that coffee you wrote about." I watched him pause before he was suddenly wiping away tears before he coughed them away saying,

"I had some dust in my eyes." He white knuckled the wheel as I giggled at his response at trying to be a tough guy.

"Sure you do John Doryyy~" I extended the Y stretching it out as he faced away from me but his ears having a navy blue blush on the tips.

Then the silence continued through as the soft rumbling of the car was making my eyes droop as well as the soft swaying with the warmth on my stomach.

I let out a yawn as I started to flutter my eyelids closed but before I was able to fully close my eyes his beloved vehicle made a stop and judging from how John moved out of his seat we were here.

John knelt down in front of my and gently lifted Floyd's head up enough for me to slide out of his possessive hold and John gently laid him back down letting him curl into a pillow he placed in my stead.

I stretched as another yawn ripped itself out of my throat as I moved with sleepy sluggish movements, John opened the door and led me out of the vehicle and I saw how much the house had changed without me and Velvet in it.

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