Feeling under

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My stomach was hurting again, with my stomach boiling as I tried to keep the brownie within my system with my body wanting the exact opposite. Maybe I gorged myself too hard on that.

"Ven you don't look well-" she put her hand against my sweaty forehead as I felt so dizzy and nauseous. My stomach twisting with a familiar acidic taste on the back of my tongue.

"Poppykins, I think I'm gonna-" I wasn't able to finish my thought as thick oozing clumps of glitter bled past my lips as I vomited in front of the two Giants, shuddering as my legs were reduced to jelly after completely emptying my stomach of its contents.

"Oh gross he threw up!" I was securely held by Poppy's grip as she made sure I didn't fall into my own vomit,

"Great I have to change the bottle again." Champagne's voice again was still condescending as fuck and grating my ear drums, as she and my sister prepped themselves for their nightly routine, Champagne probably weaker from her
Mid-morning nap. At least on the bonus side I'll only have to work around Velvet soon.

I know how to cater to her grotesquely big ego, essentially since I know what she wants to hear.

"I'm sorry that me being sick is such an inconvenience to you, your royal bitchiness~" I tried to do a mock curtsy as I snarked back at the desaturated puppet that Velvet's hand controlling her.

"GOD I HATE YOU!" Velvet's puppet snarled at me and I couldn't care less as my vision went hazy and my head started hurting at her shrill screech.

"Feelings Mutual cunt~" I blew a kiss at her only to screech again as she went to her closet to grab her nightwear. I chuckled at how easily agitated Champagne was but almost gagged at the acidic taste of my own stomach in my mouth.

"It's okay Ven, I'll make you feel better!" Her grin as she ran her fingers through my hair made my chest vibrate in a purr as I held on to her my eyes watering as my whole body was still in pain from being slammed into the mirror along with my upcoming new bodily function going into full swing.

But strangely enough for the last few hours, it was extremely light spotting and not the description of 'world war 2 in my pants' as Velvet used to call it. But I can definitely feel drained as my body slumped in my sister's hold.

Suddenly we were picked up by Velvet, her fingers pinching the back of Poppy's dress pulling us both out due to our tight grip on each other before placing us in a heart shaped candy jar,

Our new glass containment had cotton fluff lining the bottom and a bit on the sides creating a thick comfy cushion with a small torn off piece of blanket laid in a pile on the opposite side of the glass.

I rose my eyebrow and looked at Velvet but she only turned her back to me and started strolling to the bathroom, I looked towards Champagne and saw her practically on the cusp on moving into the next life with the makeup practically doing nothing to hide her horrifically clammy skin that kept sweating bullets that rolled down her face with ease.

"Hey-" I knocked on the glass watching those pale golden eyes roll themselves at me, and I looked at how bloodshot they were, if I can do my math right, she probably slept really shitty, and that makes my heart swoon with a sadistic joy as I was only going to make her day worse,

"What do you want cocksucker."

"Well snatch licker, I want raspberry yogurt with almonds and chia seeds mixed in. Only the chia seeds though, I want the almonds on the side." I fluttered my eyelashes at her in a cutesy way as she moved to get me what I wanted. Her murmuring was obnoxious as she moved sluggishly to grab me something to nibble on,

I guess Velvet probably threatened her to take care of me in anyway I asked but I was definitely going to share, I don't want to gorge myself again only to get sick,

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