The calm before the storm

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My eyes fluttered open as I was met with a familiar scene of our bedroom ceiling, I shifted and felt my boyfriend's limbs wrapped around my waist as his fingers curled themselves in my chest fur. My tail was also trapped by his as they both curled around each other.

My body shifted to look in front of me Poppy stood there with a grin on her face that looked as if it was splitting her face in half, I wasn't shocked to see her at this point.

"Sooooooooo." Her giggles were small as to not wake up my partner who still was completely unconscious and I shifted to where a was in a comfortable semi- sitting up position before I decided to speak again

"So what Poppy-cakes?" I untangled my lovers fingers from my chest as I fully sat up with the blanket still covering my abdomen and hips.

"How was it last night?! Did he ask?!"  I giggled as I showed off the ring that sat on my finger seeing Poppy's eyes widening as she let out tiny squeaks of happiness.

"Oh but he did a lot more than ask Poppy kin's~" I lifted the blankets just low enough to show off my stomach which was bare and watched my sister flush at the implication of us having a passionate affair after he asked me.

"Oh thank goddess! I thought I was the only one-" that certainly brought my attention away from my current train of thoughts to which I squawked out,

"Girl the fuck you mean by that?!" I shifted those warm indigo arms away from my form as I swung my legs around to dangle off the side of the bed.

"Oh well after I proposed to Branch he gripped my tail and well- I think now you get the implication." She nervously tapped her fingers together as he face was red similar to a rose.

"I need details girl! You can't just leave me with that bland ass sentence!" I put my hand on my chest in mock offensiveness at her imaginary betrayal with sneaking off with her lover boy and not telling me.

"Well let's just for right now leave it at Branch and Floyd certainly like to leave marks~" she giggled as she tugged off the scarf she wore to reveal still healing purplish bruises.

"Jesus." I tugged at the scarf more to see many more marks littering her throat with a small hickey at the back of her ear.

"Wow he ate and left no crumbs on you huh?" my mocking pretend sneer made her push my face away from her as she had a lovestruck expression painting her features.

"Well besides being a little adorable weirdo what brings you to my humble abode poppyseed?" Leading the topic away from our individual partners I smooshed her cheeks as I cooed with her rubbing her nose into my wrists,

"Well me and Branch wanted to hang out with you today~" she hopped away from me and started to rummage through my drawers looking for something or she's probably just snooping,

"Sure what will we be doing?" I pulled my side of the blanket up, as my voice leaned on the softer side attempting to be more quiet for the sake of my sleeping partner.

"Well Branch is fishing for the party we're having but I brought nail polish and snacks so we can do our nails together." I smiled as she bounced in her spot so excited about spending the day with me,

"What else sis, I mean you always have a menagerie of ideas-" I smirked as her pupils expanded with a cheesy grin consumed her face.

"I mean we can totally scrapbook together, I have an entire kit in my pod! Then we can visit the rock trolls together and see if you can star in your own band!"

"Poppyseed I don't think I should be stage, trust me I've had my 15 minutes and they were the worse minutes of my life." I shuddered at remembering those times, my fingers becoming numb at remembering how many hours I've spent sketching outfits, my eyes no longer able to shed tears after so many I've poured for my sister, along with the bitterness still lingering on my tongue at the glitzy fame I've enjoyed binging myself in.

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