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I was left alone with a Crimps rotting decayed corpse in my own old room and I shuttered as I started to pace and felt a song bubbling up in my gut to distract me from this horrific reality that I was back where I started two months ago and I let my voice tremble,

But before I started singing my ears picked up two distinct plops on my vanity and was greeted by Floyd's brothers, Clay and John Dory.

"Where's Floyd please tell me he's at pop village." I begged only for them to relieve me by nodding their heads and then started to work on breaking me out of the chest.

"I'm so sorry Veneer-" John tried to start apologizing for my sister's horrific actions but I intervined by holding my hand up and calmly stated,

"Don't apologize for her, she's always been like that." I glanced away and felt tears clinging to my waterline as they bubbled to the surface at the sad realization that I was right. She's never been kind to me unless I provided something to her like warmth, company, a shoulder to cry on, honestly I could keep going at the many purposes I held over the years but that does no damn good.

"Really man always?" Clay put his hands on top of the glass in front of mine as I sadly nodded swallowing the lump that was developing in my throat.

"Yeah but enough about me, Poppy's in more danger than I am- Velvet's using her essence to an extreme amount."

"Viva's trying to get to her along with Bruce-"

"Alright as long as my sister gets out before me."

"What was Velvet even planning on doing with you." Clay's voice stuttered as he probably listened on the whole conversation I answered him non verbally as I pointed to the headset and the belt.

"They're going to shove me in that belt and make Velvet's lover lip sync, whatever I sing."

"Lip syncing is one of the worst crimes ever!" John tried harder to pry the chest open and Clay taking his lead only to fail miserably.

I heard the sound of Velvet's heels clicking as she moved closer back to the room, I slammed my hands onto the glass breaking the brothers focus on getting me out as I whispered,

"You have to hide! I can hear her coming back." The two of them scrambled for a hiding spot as John used his hair to propel him into the vent that laid under my bed and Clay used his hair to blend in as one of my makeup brushes as he hopped into the large ceramic cream colored cup that held them.

"Here's your disgusting request." Velvet strutted in with the same blank unenthusiastic look on her face and lifted the lid to my containment just fine without the help of a key or other type of tool, but my focus was now on the warm fudge brownie that was laid in front of me in my cage.

I could feel my mouth salivating at the oversized desert and I with no regrets starting digging in with velvet yelling about how gross I was as I broke off pieces of the brownie before stuffing it in my mouth cooing at the warm coffee flavor with heavy doses of caramel and chocolate hitting my tongue.

"God do all trolls eat like that?!" I could hear velvet gagging at my consumption of the tasty treat with me purposely making loud obnoxious moaning noises as to make her skin crawl as retaliation.

"God you're fucking sickening!" She stormed out and I smiled with a wicked grin as I put another bit of brownie in my mouth. I was hungry, but I practically ate half of the oversized chocolate brownie that I made to a mush pile. My clothes were covered in globs of brownie that I haven't noticed since I was more focused on filling my stomach.

I looked towards the outfit that Velvet had thrown to me and I didn't want to wear that, it looked uncomfortable especially since It looked shiny like latex. But I didn't have a choice, that was until velvet made her grand entrance again rolling her eyes at the smudges of brownie that covered practically all of me before she sighed and handed me another outfit,

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