In the waiting room- (Floyds pov)

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I was left in the dust after Veneer ran off into the sunset with glittery tears in his eyes.

I looked towards Branch and John Dory and I shook my head as they tried to approach me.

"Look Floyd I mean I didn't mean to hear it-"

"No it's not the fact that you overheard! It's the fact you shouldn't have told us! That stuff was super personal and we even begged you to stop telling us!" Bruce spoke up in our defense against John Dory and I looked towards Poppy to see her eyes as wide as dinner plates as her tears seemed never ending.

"He's probably out there so scared and alone... I have to go after him!" She started to move pacing around in panic as Branch begged her not to,

"We'll find him together Poppy, let's go." I took one final look at all my brothers before gripping poppy by her deep pink hand and pulling her out the door.

John yelling at us to stop and that he's not worth being killed over and I turned my head and looked him in his eyes before saying,

"John, if my boyfriend is dead because of you be prepared to fucking join him because I will annihilate you." I snarled before leading Poppy out the front door.

We tried to follow his footsteps that he left in the dirt, we kept walking and Poppy started talking,

"I wanted him to tell you at his own pace but I guess things don't go as planned." Her eyes were glued to the ground and I couldn't stop the globs of tears escaping my eyes at how betrayed he was at my brothers and ran off.

I tried to shut out my brother as he told us the details but some snippets of their conversation were too loud for me to tune out like how Veneer had suffered so much more and for much longer than I expected.

I wanted to just grab him and tell him that I still loved him and this would't change anything between us but he ran off too fast before I was able to do anything about it.

"I'm so sorry about John, Poppy, he just didn't know how to shut his mouth-"

"Tell me exactly what happened and how much you heard."

"Well this all started because John had to go to the bathroom and Branch told him it was upstairs so I guess he stumbled into your conversation and he heard about velvet's cruelty towards him and... he told us about your ex boyfriend too but anything before he didn't hear."

"I'm going to punch him so hard regardless of if we find Ven or not." I watched as she kicked a rock hard enough for it to break under the pressure of her kick.

I felt bad for John, he was certainly going to have something on his person broken if that kick was anything to go by. Which I know that no one will come to his defense from the Pop Queen's wrath.

"Queen Poppy! I need your help!" A large troll carrying a worm called out to us, I stared in horror as his pants were painted in glimmering reddish pink blood.

"BIGGIE WHAT HAPPENED!" She screeched at the sight of blood on him and I couldn't help but glance off to the side to see a matching long blood trail.

I started to hyperventilate as Ven's foot prints led to a large jagged rock and followed by the thick blood that was smeared into the dirt.

"Me and Mr Dinkles found a Troll, he was really badly hurt and was nearly killed by a heart spider!" My chest felt tight as I could feel sobs quietly leaving my mouth at the realization that Veneer was the injured Troll who nearly got killed.

"What did he look like Biggie?!" She shook the larger Troll as she sobbed at the thought of Ven losing that much blood.

"Pale skin, green hair uh.. blue eyes and he was wearing a glittery black jumpsuit." That was basically Veneers exact description in simplistic terms including his outfit and I quickly cried out,

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