Back to normalcy

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My eyes fluttered open, and I curled more into the warmth as I still felt the weight of the satchel on my shoulder and was met with a breathy soft laugh,

I looked up and saw how Floyd was carrying me, his left hand under my knees with his right supporting my lower back.

That dazzling smile of his had my heart fluttering with warmth as I snuggled closer in his hold. My eyes roamed around the room and saw how we were in our bedroom again.

Jesus how long was I out in order for him to carry me this far? I was completely blissfully dead to the world, The last thing I remember was getting on Rhonda, going back to pop village after I ruthlessly fucked Floyd to show that fucking bi-

I cut that thought off as I took a deep breath and let my thoughts wonder as I pondered how I fell asleep way too quickly for my liking after I flaunted my prowess in front of the store owner, maybe something was wrong, but I didn't really know

my eyes fluttering shut again as I was laid upon our bed with him sitting on the edge next to me as he took in my sleepy form. Then as he softly started to hum as his fingers were tucking stray hairs behind my ear before he leaned down letting his lips travel behind my ear as he softly nipped the lobe, tugging the earring effectively sending a gentle shockwave to my groin.

I softly groaned as I pushed my face into the bed as I heard him chuckle as his nose lightly led itself up the nape of my neck before he pressed a warm kiss to the area.

"I'm going to make you some muffins, do you want any specific flavor babe?" I pondered his soft coo before I made my decision,

"Can I have strawberry muffins with chocolate chips in it?" I pouted as I fluttered my eyelashes at him with him smiling at my attempt of persuasion.

"Of course you can Ven baby, It's the least I can do after the good news." His half lidded amaranth eyes wondered down to my abdomen as I stretched.

My eyes were becoming more open and felt a weight on my midriff and glanced down to see my husband snuggling his face into my extremely tiny baby bump with his thumb sleepily rubbing circles into my hip bone.

"But.." he paused his movements as he made me look him in the eyes as a worried expression crossed his face,

"I want you to go to Dr. moonbloom, I just don't think you should've slept as long as you have and when we confronted your cousins, you almost fainted during your song." The soft tenderness of his coo made my stomach flutter with warmth as I tried to reassure him,

"Sweetheart I'm fine-" I tried to wave him off only to receive a blank look from my lover as he quietly pouted. Those warm cerulean knuckles dancing across my cheek in a delicate caress as he begged me.

"No Veneer, I'm taking you to the doctor, I want to make sure that the both of you are okay." I pouted as I'm now starting to realize that this was going to be a losing battle with him but, I am curious on how the baby is especially after Champagne threw me into the mirror.

"Fine worry wort, I'll go buuuut~ I'll go on one condition~" I relented to his concern over the wellbeing of our child felling a warmth spreading through my chest at his behavior however after the warmth faded I smirked as Floyd gestured asking me what my possible condition is.

"What's the condition?" He smiled as I bit my lip as I tried to contain my smile.

"I want you to sing for me." I battered my eyelashes at him as I looked into the ethereal depths of beet root pigmented eyes, seeing them dilate into a brief heart shape as a cheeky grin took over.

"That's it?"  His lips ghosted mine as he sighed out those words as my face heated as I reaffirmed my request.

"Yep~" I sat up and shifted my legs over the bed letting my lover move back as he went to go grab something from our combined closet.

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