Fashionista disaster

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I walked into the room with Crimp hopping behind me and met with the tailor.

He was a also a mount Rageon, but his skin was a milky holographic blue color with black lips, he stood just a few inches shorter than me with stringy violet hair.

"I can't believe I'm working with Mount Rageous's biggest pop-stars!" He excitedly claimed and I forced a smile on my face as he walked around the main entrance room.

"Hello there." I watched as he froze and looked towards me and his silver eyes were wide in absolute shock.

"Ven, it is you!" I rose a fluffy eyebrow at his use of my nickname, he must know me from before the whole Velvet and Veneer pop-star thing but strangely enough he did sound familiar.

"I'm sorry who are you again?" I felt Floyd vibrating in my pocket most likely due to someone else calling me a cutesy nickname.

"It's me Taylor, you know your ex boyfriend." Oh sweet christ, that's why he sounded so familiar. I remember him now, we only dated for 6 months and I still remember how I broke up with him because of Vel's obsession with being famous.

"Oh Taylor, um hi, it's uh been a while." I scratched the back of my head in awkwardness waiting for him to make the next move, I could only hope that keeps it as professional as possible but that was probably unlikely with all the creepy messages he still sends as fan mail.

"Wow you're famous now huh? I didn't expect you to be on Bop on top either, but I'm happy for you." I softly grinned, my smile was shaking with nervousness as I was unsure what he wanted to accomplish by this and I turned towards the dress form that had a completely different dress than what me and Velvet had agreed upon,

It was a mint green silk strapless mini dress with multiple glittery stars laced throughout and had a train connecting to the back which was made from cyan lacey tulle. A matching pale mint green lace choker with a string of minty pearls beneath laid on the dress form's neck.

"This isn't what I designed, I wanted something gold for my sister-"

"This is for you, I designed it myself and I thought you'd like it. Ven, I was excited to take this on because I miss you-" I stepped back and I must've looked spooked and he was scrambling for words,

"Look Ven, I think we should get back together again, I mean we were so good together and I miss how you used to mo-"

"STOP" I raised my hand up and quickly glanced towards Crimp to see her dialing quickly for security. I'm glad that she was concerned enough to grab security.

Her crinkled form stepped out in front of me and she looked to me with a large unsaid apology written in her small irises.

She didn't know so I don't really blame her. I heard a small growl emitting from my pocket and I tucked my hand in to pet the volatile troll. Trying to soothe him enough that he wouldn't make too much noise.

Soon the security guards grabbed him by each of his spaghetti like arms and dragged him out. I shuttered as he started to yell,

"You only broke up with me because of your sister! Please Veneer!" I snapped my head to the side and squeezed my eyes shut and could only listen to the noises of him being dragged away.

Soon the room was filled with a booming silence, crimp couldn't bring herself to say something and I could only make small breathy noises.

I certainly didn't expect my ex boyfriend to try to get back with me and tried to bring up a very intimate moment between the two of us.

But he wasn't wrong, I did break up with him so I could focus on my sister's happiness instead of my own. But that doesn't justify how he probably purposely took a job that got him close to me. Close enough to throw things back in my face in a weird bizarre way to make me reconsider.

"I'm going back to my room." I looked at the dress, it was absolutely stunning and would be an absolute waste if I were to give it away. I wrapped my arm around the waist of the dress for and started to drag it.

Crimp had tears in her eyes and she opened her mouth,

"Do you want me to make you some Penne Alla Vodka and bring it to you?" I took and deep breath and nodded not trusting my words to get me through a verbal response. I know Crimp loves to cook and it was her unique way of comforting me especially when I was sad and upset.

Now I have to bring this back to my room and wait for Velvet to find out what happened. She may treat me like garbage but if someone else tried to, she'd rain hell. I believe it's some strange phenomenon of 'I can treat you like trash but I'd be damned if anyone else does what I do'.

As I reached my door I heard a swing and was met with a gentle small plop on my tense shoulder. I looked and saw Floyd standing holding onto my bluish diamond choker looking at me with wide sad eyes.

"I know this is going to sound cliche but are you okay?" I couldn't genuinely answer that and I couldn't think of a response as I opened my door and pushed the gown inside with the troll being snuggled against my neck.

"I don't know, I certainly wasn't expecting my Ex boyfriend to show up. But I should've expected it now that I'm sorta famous." He hopped from my shoulder onto my vanity and he looked a bit confused, and I could tell that he had a question on his mind and I poked him in his stomach and he breathed out,

"Before you stopped him he said something about missing the way you mo? What's mo-ing?" I felt my face heat up dramatically and I groaned as I put my face in my hands.

"It wasn't mo-ing, he almost said moaning." I felt my heart race and my stomach twisted in knots as a even more confused look came on his face and I couldn't feel my whole being set flame by the pure sheer embarrassment.

"Why? Were you guys gym buddies as well as boyfriends or-" Oh sweet fudge, I put my finger tip against his mouth to stop him from talking more about the in the intricate details of my personal relationship. I couldn't explain to him how we've been intimate together but that was only once.

He pushed my finger off of his mouth and started talking again

"Well I don't like how he talked to you and disrespected you and your boundaries." I decided that it was time to take a shower especially since I could feel the greasy essence of Taylor still clinging to me like a second skin.

"Thanks Gumdrop but I'll be right back I'm going to go take a shower now." He nodded and looked towards the dress marveling at the elaborate design of the short bespoken piece of clothing.

He glanced over at me nervously and quickly blurted out,

"Can you try it on when you come back Bubblegum?" I nodded at his cute hopeful expression and he grabbed another candy off the candy dish and opened the wrapper.

I strolled through the bathroom door and at least on the bonus side, I get to see what this beautiful gown would look like on me despite its disturbing designer.

I couldn't wait.

Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें