Breakfast gone weary

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The morning chased away the night and as I opened my eyes squinting at the bright sorbet arrange of colors dancing across my vision draping itself across my face.

I opened my mouth agape as I yawned and stretched all my limbs out as far as they could bare before I turned my head to see my tiny partner passed out with one of his arms hanging outside the blanket also while dangling off of his makeshift bed. 

I stood up slowly as to not wake my boyfriend and padded over to the bathroom to make myself ready to go family hunting, specifically for Brozone. Floyd deserved to be with his family again, especially after everything that me and my sister had put him through, I still shudder at how terribly she had treated us both in the span of three months. But that made me wonder, what if Velvet using a trolls essence caused her manic behavior. I mean it would certainly explain why she had been behaving so erratically. Maybe I can get some answers from Grandma betty, I hope that she doesn't try to distract me by commenting how cute my boyfriend is again.

But I am curious about what else Trolls were capable of, I mean what were the possible consequences for using trolls for any means possible. There had to be something to my question's because it's not fair that the abuser of trolls got away Scott free without some sort of punishment like the Bergans, they just continued on like nothing ever happened, like they didn't have a 200 year history of Trollstice.

I sighed and sat down at the victorian themed victorian vanity to style my hair and get myself ready for searching for floyds family.

Would they like me? Would I be able to bond with them? I have so many questions bouncing around in my thoughts especially since I'm much larger than them plus I did partake in one of their own brothers kidnapping, so should I even mention that? Floyd probably will and most likely they'll look at me with a tainted lens.

I could feel myself rocking back and forth as the stress of being introduced to his brothers is getting to me, with my fingers constantly raking themselves through my hair as I sprayed hairspray onto my green locks. I could feel my mind racing and the itch to chew my fingernails became stronger.

Would they even like me? I mean my own sister didn't like me so what makes these trolls anything more different, they didn't know me and my vision became blurry.

"Veneer what's wrong?" I heard a soft soothing voice to my right and saw my mini sized boyfriend glancing at me with worry dancing in his gaze. I could lie but what's the use in that? I wouldn't win in that especially when this man had put so much trust in me and I don't want to lose that in the matter of seconds.

"What if your brothers don't like me." I sniffled as two fat teardrops raced down my face and put my chin in my propped up hand. I feel inadequate especially since I was alienated by my own family what would make his family feel differently than what mine was like.

"Ven, they'll probably not trust you for a bit due to you helping Velvet but they'll get to know you and they'll love you." My sister just ruins everything for me doesn't she. She's ruined my college applications, my reputation, family life and my own self esteem and dignity.

Now she's ruined my chances of possibly hitting it off right with my lovers family and making them not trust me due to my involuntary involvement. I took a shaky breath and nodded my head, letting my gaze wander away from my darling and to the sunrise outside the window but was quickly interrupted by my grandmother,

"Veneer! We made breakfast." My beloved hopped on my shoulder as I stood and walked over to my backpack to receive a new pair of clothes.

My new outfit consisted of a pale peachy pink baggy crop top T-shirt with a music note on the chest that I paired with flared black crushed velvet leggings, I also as well paired an oversized pastel pink cardigan with it and small white go-go boots.

I looked forwards the bottom of the closet to see a tiny little black box, with my curiosity peaked, my fingertips traced along the edges of the container with a soft huff I got the small box open,

It held a tiny outfit, which consisted of a small onyx denim jacket with a snow white music note on the sleeve with a pair of magenta shredded jeans. It actually looked as if it would fit Floyd, which I held up the box to his gaze and his eyes sparkled at his possible new outfit.

I let him grab the outfit from the inside of the box and with a rustle of fabric he was able to slip on the outfit with sheer ease. He actually looked quite dazzling in it and I grinned as I watched his confidence grow at his newest outfit change.

I would love to dress him forever, his color palette and style made it honestly so easy to make outfits for him with adventurous looking colors.

But now we have to eat breakfast with my grandmothers, they probably made something sugary sweet for my bewitching companion. As I hoped the door leading into the long dimly lit hallway I could feel the somber mood drifting through the hallway, I wonder why the air feels thick with a unknown feeling, I stepped down the creaky oak wood stairs and hastily went right to enter the kitchen to see both my grandmothers sat at the table quietly gazing at each other, each with their own cup of their finely grind down tea leaves. Both of my grandmothers looked bothered, almost like something was lurking maliciously behind their backs.

"Good morning grandma Betty and grandma Kathy." I slowly walked up with the shiny mahogany table which was draped in a floral decor and saw how there was a plate of banana chocolate waffles laid out in front of the empty chair. My throat felt stuffed with cotton as they refused to look at me, not even acknowledging my hello. I feel my intestines slowly twisting in a peculiar way and my body rose in temperature due to my anxiety creeping up due to the lack of energy and the eerie silent atmosphere that haunted the room.

"Ven, can we speak to your boyfriend alone?" My heart was playing a game of wall ball with how hard it slammed against my ribcage and my limbs felt tingly at the serious dead tone they used with me. They were so happy yesterday and now it was almost like our presence had ruined the atmosphere but before I opened my mouth to speak my grandma Kathy responded with,

"Don't worry Ven we won't do anything to harm him, we promise." I looked to my boyfriend who tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear before giving me a silent look of it being okay. I nodded back and gave him a gentle kiss before setting him down before exiting to room to retrieve my bag and take care of my hygiene.

I wonder what they're going to talk about.

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