Still awake

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After I finished bathing my peanut butter girl with her cooing and babbling about her playdate with Lebreezy describing how much fun it was to spend time with her over sized cousin despite her extremely small size. I was able to put her in yellow sunflower pajamas then I noticed once I laid her down in her crib and man did she looked beat.

Her eyes drooped as her eyelids kept hiding her amethyst irises behind sky blue curtains. Floyd stood next to me, still covered in peanut butter as he just stared at her with a warm tenderness in his eyes that made my chest tight with this buttery feeling as it wormed itself down to my fingertips and spread across my whole being.

Floyd hummed as he tucked her in with me; the subtle vibrations of his small hum soothing her down as I placed the pacifier in her mouth. She looked so sweet and angelic as she dozed off into her soft cotton candy sweet dreams.

They were always so angelic when they slept with their little noses twitching and their little grubby hands squeezing in on themselves as they curled up into their blankets.

"Baba!" Ambrose suddenly stood and rested his small chin on the railing of his crib as his tiny white paws gripped the bars. We both looked at each other and rose eyebrows as his sister's went down like timber but he was still awake.

"What's wrong little raspberry?" Floyd rubbed our son's under eye with his thumb as his indigo palm rested against his cheek.

I had a sneaking suspicion about what he was going to ask about, he was always asking questions about babies especially after the news of Poppy's pregnancy hit the papers.

I mean we only just found out that Poppy was pregnant yesterday with her calling us before the vultures came to scoop the story of their monarch having the next heir and that she was only two days along so far.

But my little rose didn't disappoint with his recent hyper fixation of his aunt's pregnancy and asked,

"Baba, how is Aun wobby's babby leaving her belly?" I snickered as Floyd completely froze at my son's bold question. clearly nothing could stop our son from sating his curiosity not even his father's discomfort. I wondered how my darling sweetheart was going to answer this, only for him to scratch my curious itch with,

"Uh well Ro you see-" Floyd struggled to come up with a creative fabrication of how to explain this only for me to easily slide in with,

"Well the baby comes out of your no no area hun." I could feel Floyd's glare hitting the side of my face probably trying to burn the everliving bejeezus out of me as I told him the truth instead of a sugar coated lie,

"VENEER!" I smirked as my husband threw his arms in the air at my explanation. He clearly was upset with me but I put my hand on my hip and let my eyebrow rise,

"What? he asked a question, if he's old enough to ask then he's old enough to know." That was my parents logic when it came to me and velvet... that was when they were there to actually care about raising us. But I felt that was pretty solid tactic as to keep honesty between us and the kids.

After all being honest I feel is a two way street.

"He's literally a few weeks old!" Small giggles followed his father's annoyance as my little rose bounced at his father's misery. I think they all feed off of Floyd's discomfort and despair but 

"Okay and I got drugged by a 3 month old at a party, What's your point? And if I can recall correctly didn't your song perfect go like, "On the floor, let's do it, no more talkin'" while your 13 year old brother literally ripped his shirt off?" I will never forget how my friend Guy Diamond's kid literally give me 7 ring pops or that trauma inducing concert that literally made their family split.

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