Mantis: How is that a monkey?

Nebula shrugged.

Nebula: Beats me.

Blake: At least he made them laugh so I don't care if they don't know the difference.

Mikey went up to one little girl and smiled.

Mikey: Hi. I'm Mikey.

The girl giggled and stroked the fur on top of his head.

I couldn't feel any more prouder of my little boy.

Drax walked around still making the funny noise. Drax booped as all on the heads and Mantis laughed. Nebula didn't laugh.

Then Drax spoke in their language.

The girl spoke back in their language.

Drax: Eo, eo. Joob joob.

"Joob joob."

Drax: Yeah. Yeah, joob joob.

"Joob joob."

They agreed and went away.

Blake: What did you say?"

Drax: They're gonna tell the other kids to stay away from the starboard wall.

Nebula: Why didn't you tell us you knew their language the whole time?

Drax: Why didn't you ask?

Me and Mikey facepalmed ourselves.

Blake: You could've told us anyway, it would've been helpful.


Everyone else was getting ready to save their friends.

Rocket: This could be futile, Quill. He's too powerful.

Zoe: That's my husband and son in there. No way we're leaving without a fight.

Peter: Well, then I guess we'll die trying.

Rocket: What is "die trying" gonna accomplish?

Gamora: Or we can just give him the badger.

Zoe: No. I don't care if you still don't like us, that's not gonna happen.

Rocket: Our thing is dying trying.

"I am Groot."

Gamora: I know who you are already!

Peter: Feel free to stay behind in the cargo area.

Gamora: I'm not leaving my sister with that jerk. This you? Feel out of your bag.

She handed him a picture of younger him and his family.

Zoe: (Whispering) You went through his his stuff, didn't you?

Gamora: Don't say anything. Let's do this.

They all readied the ship. Peter put the picture up.

They went through the jump point towards the ship.

Peter pulled a lever to release a smaller pod and two others as they kept flying.

Groot flew one and Rocket flew the other.

Peter: Wait.

On the other side, Knowhere, now automated with rockets, piloted by Kraglin appeared through another jump point.

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