"Okay, class, shut it!" Mrs Knife interrupts, obviously irritated, She continues in a softer voice, "I wasn't here yesterday because I had to go to a meeting, but lucky for you I'm here to grade your vocabulary tests while you study for your spelling test on Friday." She grins.

"Yeah, what was that?!" Yells Soren, "That vocabulary test was drunk, I tell you!"

So as I try to focus on the list of spelling words, Mrs Knife goes to her desk to grade our so called vocabulary tests.

I could not help but smile like an idiot because of how good my grade probably is.

The kids in the class were exchanging looks as we all study quietly. We were still very comfused about these tests and what Mrs Knife could be thinking, however all those questions were answered as Mrs Knife says underneath her breath, "What. The. Hell?"

"Who's test is she looking at?" Someone whispers.

"Kids," Mrs Knife places her glasses up on her head and walks towards us. "It appears that your vocabulary test from yesterday was not actually your test. I must've given Mr Malute the wrong pile."

"Ha! I knew it!" Called out Soren. We all know that he did not know it.

The girl next to me, Zoe, says, "If that's not our test, then what is it?"

"These papers, kids, are actually the trivia questions for my husband's college students." She says firmly. I notice that she's not taking the blame for this, and she smiles warmly and says, "At least you tried."

"Wait... so you're not.... going to grade them?" I ask.

"Why would I?" She says with confusion as she heads back to her desk.

Oh I don't know, maybe because she would be extremely impressed with how well I did. Nobody would ever find out that I cheated, I even made sure that I changed the wording in my answers a tiny bit so it's not obvious that I cheated! If that's a trivia test, then let Mrs Knife believe that I'm the trivia master!

During lunch that day, I made the decision to eat outdoors at the picnic table because most students would stay indoors to chit chat. I sort of like to see the picnic table area as a VIP club, because only some people take that advantage.

I had packed myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, with Italian bread. Italian bread gets it's rich flavor from olive oil. Most kids don't know that, but I do! Maybe I am good at trivia after all!

Then suddenly someone throws a football that bounces off the table. How am I not surprised? It's Gemma and her bright pink leg warmers.

"Gemma! Don't you have a sister to hang out with?"

"Don't you have a life?" She sasses.

"What do you want right now?" I say as I stand up on the woodchips.

"Showing up here is a huge risk. A lot of people were looking at you all day in the halls." Gemma says with a gleaming smile.

"Why? Do you have something to do with this?"

"Let me ask you this," She lowers her voice to a whisper, "Your Dad lives in Utah and drives around in a taxi?"

This was true, actually. Usually I don't talk about my Dad because I don't know him, but Lesley tells me enough about where he's been and what he does.

"Oh yeah, that's him."

"So I guess all the rumors are true!" She explains in a sing songy voice.

"Why? What are people saying?"

The Bluesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें