Mikey: Holy sh--

Drax: Hey, your parents don't want you using that language.

Meanwhile, as the Bowie was leaving the planet.

Zoe: I can't believe you left him there.

Peter: I assumed he jumped off with us.

"I am Groot!"

Gamora: Can we escape first and then argue later?

They finally escaped.

Gamora: What kind of monster slaughters an entire civilization?

Peter: Where are Mantis, Drax, and Mikey?

Gamora: I don't know!

Zoe: I do, but we have time right now!

They rushed to the Med-Bay to save Rocket.


Drax: Ha, you're lucky I was able to knock down that door...

Nebula got mad at him.

Nebula: Rocket, Zoe, and Gamora are probably dead because of both of you!

Drax: I didn't know.

Mikey: I just wanted to save my dad.

Nebula: Oh, you didn't know? When are you gonna stop using the excuse of being some big dumb clown for contributing nothing, and the rest of us having to carry your slack!

Nebula pushed him.

Nebula: And you.

She pointed at Mikey.

Nebula: You are practically helpless! You are just like Drax! You don't obey orders, you don't stay put, you just wanna be where you shouldn't while not understanding the fact that you're a child and your parents have to keep dealing with the consequences of your choices!

Mikey began to cry.

Mantis: Nebula! He's a child! And don't push Drax! You don't have the right.

Nebula: And you! You're no better. The only thing we can count on you for is when someone shows weakness, you'll be right there to support it.

Mantis: Fine, I don't care. I know you need to find fault in everyone else to make yourself feel okay, so find it in me.

Nebula: Oh, go to heck, Mant!

Mantis: But you don't have the right to push him! It's not his fault he's stupid. And Mikey's just a child! He doesn't know better. He looks up to us for guidance.

Nebula: They're liabilities.

Mantis: Drax makes us laugh. And Mikey just wants to be there to help us. And they both love us. How are they liabilities? All you care about is intelligence and... and competence.

Drax: Not sure that either of us appreciate this defense.

Mantis: They both have sadness, but they're both the only one of you who don't hate themselves. Especially Mikey. I loved it when was born that day, and he made us feel closer as a family. So I don't care if Drax is stupid. And I don't care if Mikey struggles when he tries to help his parents.

Drax: You think I'm stupid?

Mantis: Yes.

Mikey: I'm no help to you guys, aren't I?

Mantis looked down at Mikey.

Mantis: Mikey, your parents love and just just want to keep you safe. And we all know you want the same for them. You're a good kid.

Drax looked down and sad. Mantis touched his cheek.

Mantis: Forget.

Drax laughed again.

Drax: Ha! You're lucky I was able to knock down that door with my incredible strength.

Mikey:(mouthing) What have you done?

They all went over to see the children in cages.

Nebula patched into her comm.

Nebula: Quill? Quill? Quill, are you there?

Drax went up to one of the cages to tear off the handle and open the cage.

Mikey walked over a finger poked him in his side.


Mikey screamed.

"Mikey, it's me."

There I was. Looking down at my son through the cage full of children.

Mikey: Daddy!

He ran up to hug me through the bars.

Blake: My son.

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