Extra 8#

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Dorothea, cloaked in the ethereal glow of the Cullens' house, gracefully leans against the intricately crafted rail of the grand staircase. The ambiance of the luxurious abode envelops her as she idly twirls the phone cord between her fingers, anticipation emanating from her every pore. The house phone, a relic of a bygone era, rests beside her ear, its dull hum a prelude to the excitement that awaits on the other end of the line.

As Dorothea patiently waits, the silence is shattered by a sudden explosion of energy through the phone. "DOROTHEA! MY PRINCESS!" Aro's exuberant voice echoes, causing her undead heart to flutter. Despite the ringing in her ears, she can't help but be grateful for her vampire senses, sparing her from the discomfort that mere mortals might experience. "Aro!" she chimes in, a playful giggle escaping her lips, "You seem to be in the midst of something."

In the background, the unmistakable symphony of bustling activity infiltrates the conversation. The clatter of footsteps, the rustle of fabric, and Aro's animated directives create a vivid auditory tapestry. "Of course! It's my princess turning date in a week!" Aro declares with unbridled enthusiasm, his voice oscillating between brightness and depth as he barks orders at someone to alter the color of the plates. Apparently, silver is not fit for Dorothea; everything must be adorned in regal gold.

Dorothea, suppressing a proud smile, bites her lip as she revels in the realization that she is the reason for this grand celebration. "I have to celebrate my favorite creation! Also, the day we become family!" Aro's words resonate with familial warmth, and Dorothea can't help but feel a surge of affection. "I'm your only creation, dear Aro," she playfully reminds him.

"Still my favorite!" Aro's voice exudes genuine affection as the phone line buzzes with the muted murmurs of Marcus and Caius in the background. The trio engages in a brief conversation, their hushed tones reaching Dorothea's ears like a tantalizing preview of the festivities awaiting her return to the Volturi.

The thought of rejoining the Volturi and the impending celebration makes her undead heart race with excitement. Aro, ever the extravagant host, spares no effort in commemorating the day she was changed. The memories flood back – the previous year's festivities lasting not just a week but, perhaps, a whole month. Aro, true to form, goes all out to ensure that Dorothea's transformation day is a testament to the grandeur and opulence that only the Volturi can deliver.

"- Chicken? or maybe deer? I heard there's dozen in Forks, I believe." Dorothea snaps back from reality when Aro's voice becomes clear once more in her ears. "I'm sorry?" The question was very confusing. "It's for your Jasper. Do those animal fill him up. Or should I drain out the whole farm. We just took down some-"

Dorothea's laughter echoed through the grand halls of the Cullens' house, drawing the attention of every vampire within earshot. The ethereal sound, accompanied by subtle snorts, was a testament to the unique bond she shared with Aro – a bond that never failed to surprise those witnessing it, no matter how many times they had seen it before.

"Oh, Aro. Anything you can provide. You holding this party is making me fall for you enough!" Dorothea's playful response rang through the phone, her words carrying a hint of genuine affection. The idea of Aro, the enigmatic and powerful leader of the Volturi, orchestrating a celebration in her honor never failed to tug at her immortal heartstrings.

Aro's voice, filled with amusement and a touch of mischief, responded to her jest. "My dear Dorothea, you flatter me so. Now, about the feast for your dear Jasper, what shall it be – chicken, deer, or perhaps, a whole farm's worth?" His tone carried a hint of playful sarcasm as if deciding on the menu for a vampire's meal was as casual as selecting a fine wine.

Dorothea, still chuckling, shook her head in amusement. "I think a dozen deer from Forks should suffice. Let's not drain out an entire farm, shall we? We wouldn't want the locals to suspect anything unusual." The thought of blending in with the human population always amused her, adding an extra layer of excitement to the clandestine world she inhabited.

Aro chuckled on the other end of the line, his laughter echoing in the background of the bustling Volturi headquarters. "Very well, my dear. A dozen deer it is. Consider it a small appetizer for the grand feast that awaits you upon your return. The whole coven is eager to celebrate your special day."

As the conversation continued, plans were laid out for the upcoming festivities – a testament to Aro's commitment to making Dorothea's transformation day an event to be remembered. The grandeur and extravagance of the Volturi's celebrations were renowned among vampire covens, and Dorothea was at the center of it all.

Dorothea's eyes lit up with mischievous delight as a brilliant idea flashed through her mind. Before anyone could grasp the full scope of her plan, Edward materialized in front of her with supernatural speed. His expression was a mixture of intense disapproval, panic, and a vehement shake of his head and hands as if desperately trying to convey a dire message.

The other Cullens observed the scene with a perplexed sense of concern, their gazes fixed on Edward's unusual display of distress. Alice, however, seemed to be the exception, and she squealed in excitement, her golden eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Aro! A grand idea-" Dorothea interrupted herself with a cheeky smile, purposefully pushing Edward's face away from her, "The Cullens will join!"

The moment Dorothea uttered those words, a collective gasp filled the air. Even the usually stoic vampires of the Volturi couldn't hide their surprise at this unexpected twist. Aro's voice, smooth as silk, cut through the tension. "Ah, what a delightful surprise! The more, the merrier. We welcome our extended guests from the Cullen coven with open arms."

Dorothea's playful grin widened, savoring the reaction she had elicited from both sides. Meanwhile, Edward crumpled to the ground like a deflated balloon, his eyes wide with disbelief. The weight of her decision and the consequences that might follow pressed upon him, causing his usually composed demeanor to falter.

Alice, on the other hand, couldn't contain her excitement. Her visions of the future had likely foreseen this development, explaining her earlier enthusiasm. "This is going to be absolutely fabulous! Aro, you won't believe the fun we'll have together!" Alice exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious.

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