Chapter 65 - Split Family

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Breaking Dawn Pt

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Breaking Dawn Pt.1

The year 2008

It's been 2 weeks since the glorious news of Bella being pregnant, and the girl's stomach continues to grow every second, faster than any normal childbirth. Bella proceeds to be herself throughout everything, despite her body getting weak and the huge tension within the Cullens.

The coven had ended up splitting into 2, the side that supported Edward while the other supported Dorothea. Edward, Alice, Dean, and Carlisle still refuse the baby in the mortal and would call him/her as 'it', 'fetus', or 'thing.'

Talking about Dorothea, the girl remains silent not even speaking a word to anyone over the past 2 weeks, she wouldn't even be around Bella since Edward is still enraged with her so she respected his wish.

To put it simply, she locks herself in the guest room.

While her other siblings get to see Bella and the world outside, Dorothea stays lock-in because every time she does go outside the room's climate just gets graver and it just evokes her that she was the reason the fight breathed in the first place.

Dorothea would get out through the window of the guest room to hunt for her food and come back through the same window or the back door.

Unknown to her, Jasper is having it worse. With Dorothea not by his side, he sometimes would find himself longing for human blood like in the past and Dorothea wouldn't be there to pacify him down. Being alone in the room, not listening to Dorothea's humming or her yapping around about her day made the room feels nothing but a desert.

Jasper didn't dare approach Dorothea recognizing this is his punishment for throwing her out first. He started hating himself, they were times when Dorothea and he would have different opinions like when Bella first started coming into Edward's life, so why is it this time they are shunning each other like strangers?

He starts beating himself remembering their conversation before all this tragedy.

When Dorothea told him that Bella was going to die because of the child, he started shouting at her not granting her to finish her words, the panicked yet offended look she had before raising her voice too.

He was a fool for not letting her finish!

Emmet and Rose seem to be the only ones speaking terms with Dorothea. Emmet would sometimes slip into the guest room with games and books, he would spend at least an hour with her before Dean starts screeching for him.

While Rose would openly walk in and out of the guest room to speak with Dorothea. Updating the girl on Bella's condition and would have their daily conversation as if anything had happened, about fashion, dates, and the latest trends.

Esme too, that she would send Dorothea a few snacks when the girl didn't leave the room for too long. Knowing how bored Dorothea could get. These three would be the ones to protect Bella from anyone harming the baby at Dorothea's request, even neglecting Carlisle's order.

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎𝐬 | Jasper Whitlock ✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt