Chapter 84

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Aro remarks how the guards were possessing a hard time seizing Jasper and grasping the male will release Dorothea and Alice simply, he barked, "Take them away." The Cullens become inflamed as they see Alice and Dorothea being handled. "Let them go!"

"No! Carlisle, Stop!" Carlisle reaches forward to attack ignoring Dorothea's cries for him to stop, he and Aro coincide with each other mid-air, then see Aro land on the ground with Carlisle's decapitated head in hand, the Cullens and their witnesses watch in terror as Caius burns Carlisle's body, this generates the Cullens, their witnesses, and the wolf pack to launch into an attack.

Dorothea detached effortlessly from the guards, using her powers to make them weak and feeble before accommodating Alice too. Both girls hasten off into the battlefield without thinking twice.

Dorothea had encountered Jasper fighting 4 Volturi's guards, when one of them was approximately available to attack her mate, Dorothea jumped on top of him, shoving him down into a headlock before tearing the head apart from the body.

Jasper had assisted the girl up after resolving the other vampire, drawing the girl into a passionate kiss, "I missed you." / "And I too." Shares a smirk before rushing off to help the others.

As Jacob is operating in the woods with Renesmee, the child sees one of Aro's guards catch up to them, quickly telling-yelling out for the wolf's attention. "Jacob! Jacob! Jacob! Jacob! Watch out!"

Just then a vampire jumps onto Jacob from above, but Jacob manages to turn swiftly killing and beheading the vampire before he continues to run in the woods with Renesmee, this time rapidly knowing the guards are catching up.

Dorothea gets sidetracked for a while after utterly killing 3 of the Volturi's guards when there is a strain, telling her to behold something.

Seeing Bella strives to use her power to help shield Jasper from Jane's power, Dorothea felt animated and liberated from worry but Alec abruptly out of nowhere strikes Bella.

Then's when everything went tumbling down for the girl, as she witnessed Jasper writhe in pain from Jane's power, her body hindered from moving when 3 guards pounced on her, and her mind loaded with emotions that she couldn't use her abilities to help Jasper.

She could only see as Jasper is then executed by a Volturi guard.

Dorothea's outcry stretched the battlefield, as she cries and fought the vampires on her, Emmett begot to rush and help her but seeing Alec defenseless against the cause of his brother's death, he took the opportunity to behead the man just like what had happened to Jasper.

Just when Dorothea was capable of getting her vision and focus accurate, she observed another death, a Volturi guard had snapped Seth's throat directly in front of her.

Anger, red, and blood is the only thing filling her head as her vigors were let loose without her control, simply smothering those Volturi who stood near her. Running at full speed to the murderer, diving into him before splitting his neck with her teeth.

Browsing around the dispute to catch her next victim with nasty laughter as if he lost all her morals and senses.

Benjamin uses his power to produce a chasm in the earth, which eliminates many of the Volturi as Dorothea went on a slaughter spree, projecting any Volturi member into the pit while the remainder relishes their fear before killing them.

The power Benjamin cause almost takes Esme and Edward down, but they manage to escape with Dean's helps before he and Edward destroyed Felix in the process.

Alice kidnaps Jane and Bella helps by shielding her sister, watching her every footstep to concentrate on her techniques while Alice throws Jane to Sam who had his teeth bare and ready to devour.

Caius starts entering the battle when he saw the Volturi falling, he got diverted that Tanya and Kate easily overwhelm him, with no mercy as they cleave off his head. Vladimir and Stefan attack the defenseless Marcus who stood in the middle of the field ready for his death.

"Finally." Vladimir and Stefan kill Marcus, as Aro watches most of his army die, furious at how easily his family is losing her made eye contact with Edward and Bella.

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