Chapter 18

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The Cullen arrived in Alaska and Tanya's sister welcome them with an open arm to their house which was very cozy and suited well to the weather given in the country. "It's been so long, Carlisle and Dorothea. I see your family have expended over time."

Carlisle went to embrace the sisters seeing them as his relatives and once that was done, he introduces the sisters to his family one by one. Carlisle had wished to stay here a little longer which was granted by Tanya the leader of the coven, having posted as the sister's cousins who came to visit.

"May I see the new members?" Dorothea's gentle voice stops the happy moment happening in the living, Kate was the one who yells out for the vampires to enter the room. She took notice of the new vampires already knowing who they were as they enter with heads low avoiding eye contact.

Once they made eye contact with Dorothea they immediately went in front of her on their knees and with one hand on their chest. Dorothea imminently panic and clearly embarrassed that this was happening in front of her family. Her hands were out frantic as the vampires spoke before her.

"Princess, it's been so long since we last saw you. Please forgive our immature act that causes you more trouble, even involving your family in this."

Dorothea let out an exhalation, "Oh please, this is embarrassing," this greeting is mostly done when she is in the Volturi due to Aro's request for the vampires to respect Dorothea like a princess since she is someone very precious to Aro, Marcus, and Caius.

Dorothea tried so hard for the etiquette to stop but many souls fear Aro too much to follow the girl's request, so far only Jane and Alec who doesn't greet Dorothea like that but sometimes keep the title 'Princess,' "Please stand up Eleazar, Carmen. You are no longer a Volturi, there's no need to act like that. I see you as my family now."

When the couple did as told but still refuse to make eye contact with Dorothea was when Tanya spoke up. "I suggest you have a private conversation. Irina will show you the way to a more private area." The four vampires left the room once Dorothea took to lead in leaving first.

"I never knew she had such a title. Somehow I feel like I sinned for all the teasing I did towards her." Dean spoke up in the now hushed room, many of the Cullen were astounded at the act Eleazar and Carmen did once they notice Dorothea was in the room.

"Don't worry. As long as Aro doesn't know how you treat Dorothea then you are safe." Kate reply regarding as Cullens was still buffering, earning an awkward chuckle from Carlisle on seeing his family. "It's bugging me how I don't know her past and seeing her have such respect makes me wonder more about her relationship with Aro is?" Kate and Tanya nod in agreement at Roselie's words since they have also no idea about the young vampire's history, just knowing she was someone Aro is affectionate upon.

Hours had passed while waiting for Dorothea, Eleazar, and Carmen to reenter the living room which is now hectic like a family gathering. Emmet and Kate provocating each other in the corner alongside Roselie who would side with Kate earning a pout from her mate. Carlisle, Esme, and Irina are on the couch talking about something more mature and boring for the rest of the family to join.

Edward was not far from having a hard time trying to block all the flirting Tanya was giving to him at all costs. Now at the far corner, Alice and Dean are having a make-out session sometimes stopping so that Dean can let out a comment to Edward or Emmet.

"I'm not certain that such reasoning will please Aro, however, I'll attempt my best to calm him down. I counsel you two to keep it low for now." / "Thank you so much. If you ever need help, don't hesitate to call us, princess."

"I think we should start by not calling me that. Dorothea is just fine." The Cullens and Denalis witness Dorothea and Eleazar chatting while entering the room with Carmen not far from her mate with a relieved smile. "Is the problem solved?" Dorothea nods at Tanya's question.

"Correct, I have sent a letter to Aro, however, as said upon to Carmen and Eleazar. I suggest you guys keep it downward for the time." / "Since that's put aside. What about a feast!" Esme's motherly voice quickly filled the room, clearly excited to have such a big family. Everyone quickly agreed, leaving the men to hunt for food while the women clean the messy house.

(👍≖‿‿≖)👍 👍(≖‿‿≖👍)

Dorothea had left her family downstairs with Denali to get along, Dorothea chooses to be alone in the guest room she would be sharing with Edward. Looked out the window, looking up at the full moon with such fondness while counting all the stars that can be seen in the cloudy skies.

The sound of something dangling caught her attention, seeking down to her chest to find the dog tag. Jasper's name stood out making Dorothea recall all the memories she shared with the man.

While she was zoning out at such beautiful memory suddenly Edwards's words came back into her mind, hitting her like a truck. "Why fear it, Thea? It's the best feeling in the world! Many people even me would do so much to have that feeling right now." There's no lie that what she felt with Jasper is the best feeling she ever felt but the taught of being in a committed relationship with him fears her.

She knows Jasper isn't anything like her former husband and family and that Jasper can protect her from the cruelty of the world if she just asks but knowing Dorothea couldn't see her future scares her of any possible events.

But for now all Dorothea could wish was for Jasper to be by her side to whisper sweet words to her whenever her anxiety hit her too hard.

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎𝐬 | Jasper Whitlock ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora