Chapter 4

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Just as Dorothea thought, Carlisle and she had a glorious friendship even more substantial than her bond with Aro. He taught Dorothea his way of living as a vampire which she must say is very diverse from the Volturi and even taught a few of the medical learning he had studied over time.

Aro didn't mind their relationship and had even supported it but Caius had shown his disapproval of it many times before since he never was fond of Carlisle.

Carlisle would always tell Dorothea how he wanted to open his coven and teach them his way of living instead of murdering an innocent human being. With one glance the girl could see it wasn't going to be long till he leaves the Volturi to start his own family and honestly it broke Dorothea's unbeaten heart every time he would talk about it. One of her dearest friends is going to leave her behind.

The day seems faster than she estimated once she entered the room to hear Caius & Carlisle arguing with a calm Marcus in the background and unbothered Aro standing before his friend. Aro is the first to notice Dorothea as always greets her with a grin despite the heavy atmosphere. "Dorothea, my child. How may I help you?"

Gradually walks up to Aro while avoiding Caius's eyes knowing that her next sentence will anger the vampire furthermore. "I would like to follow Carlisle to start his coven, I beg."

As anticipated Caius started roaring in disagreement, Marcus just gave Dorothea a smile in understanding while Aro had a startled look on his face while scanning through her feature for the rationalizing of the girl leaving.

Carlisle too was shocked as Dorothea never voice out that she would follow him every time he asks if she wanted to follow his path.

Aro spoke up between the eerie silence of the huge room, "May I ask why you have chosen to leave with Carlisle. Not that I fully disagree with your choice. I know Carlisle would take great care of you but it disheartens me that you are willingly deserting me behind."

"I am thoroughly thankful for what you did Aro, and I can't consider ways to repay you. But you know me mightier than anyone in this room, that I'm a curious little girl, anything that sparks my attention I would go without a thought. Ever since I turned, I have never set foot outside these walls. All I request is a little freedom and fun, after all, I'm still a girl at heart."

Aro took in Dorothea's words genuinely ignoring Caius at the back, her eyes would sometimes move to Marcus for some encouragement which he gladly gives to her. "I will give this freedom you ask for but on one occasion. If I ask you to come back, will you do so?"

This is a trick question, Dorothea loves Aro with all her heart but after hearing Carlisle's way of living she can't help but see Aro's way as something scary. If he were to ask Dorothea back it wouldn't be a good thing for sure.

"I'll come back to visit you every 5 months but I do beg you that if you were to force me back please don't make me the monster." Aro frown at the girl's answer as he sees that Dorothea now has feared his way, she knows that he was hurt looking at her eyes as he partially grew her up so avoiding Dorothea's frightened eyes he just quickly allows the terms.


Dorothea and Carlisle had journeyed everywhere, not lingering at a place longer than 5 years and as promised every 5 months she would travel alone to visit the Volturi. Spending most of her time with Aro due to guilt of leaving him behind and telling Marcus her amazing stories of the outside world. Caius still refuse to talk to Dorothea after her leaving but she was fine with it.

Carlisle had become a doctor and he uses his skill to help people in need. It still astounds Dorothea how he had exceptional self-control with human blood that she saw him as her role model. It took Dorothea a while to get used to the animal's blood but once she got everything under control she decided to take the role of a nurse to help Carlisle out.

They were moments when Dorothea would slip up but Carlisle would be there to stop her before a ruckus happens in the hospital.


Today the hospital is empty due to the holiday season. Dorothea stood near Carlisle as he checks every patient one by one. That was until a nurse rushed up to them in a frenzy because the local doctor was away, Carlisle was assigned to treat a girl named Esme Anne Platt, a young teenager after she broke her limb falling out of a tree.

Dorothea saw how before entering the room Esme was in, Carlisle hesitate for a while before doing his normal check-up on the teenage girl. She stood outside of the room deciding to let them bond maybe later asking Carlisle why he acted that way.

"Carlisle. I saw how you waver to treat that young girl." She saw the regret Carlisle had when he left the girl's hospital room. Once they had headed home Dorothea had plucked up all her courage to ask him. "It's my first time witnessing you act as such and once you left, you resemble as if you were living a piece of yourself behind. Why may I ask?"

The man let out a bottomless breath before informing her about the concept of mates.

So it turns out that every vampire out there has their own mate, some blessed with a mortal one like Carlisle right now. Dorothea asked him why don't just turn her to their kind, however, the idea of blaspheming someone else with the same life as him, repulsed him.

Dorothea had a bad image of love due to her history with her family and lovers, so, she didn't understand Carlisle's pain for letting the girl, Esme go. But seeing his sad nature made her pity him in some way.

She can't help but to wonders if her mate is somewhere out there though her most significant tribulation is that, would she accept him and would he accept her.

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