Chapter 32

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Bella blasts him a look, but something shatters. Rosalie has thrown down a bowl and now strides out. The tension rose so high in the room, that silence filled it. Not even Esme or Emmet knows how to mend the atmosphere.

"Eddy, way to throw her under the bus like that." A new voice seized everyone's attention, coming down the stairs was Dorothea in a beautiful outfit and breathtaking beauty that Bella can't help gawking at.

" A new voice seized everyone's attention, coming down the stairs was Dorothea in a beautiful outfit and breathtaking beauty that Bella can't help gawking at

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Dorothea's entrance had captivated the whole room, especially the mortal. She had such confidence and poise with each step she took to head downstairs. Bella had unintentionally held her breath, feeling insecure being close to Dorothea.

The vampire girl merely smiled at the mortal before heading off to the living room first. Rose was still upset and had stomped away to the living room too, in hope that she spends time with Dorothea to cool down but her action made the poor Bella follow after her with an explanation, wanting to have a great relationship with the Cullens.

Everyone trailed behind them, overhearing the conversation. Dorothea hums to herself as if a mortal wasn't in her house, acting like any normal day.

"I just assumed- because you don't eat, you know." / "Of course. That was very considerate of you." / "Ignore her. I do."

"Yes, let's keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us." / "I would never, ever tell anyone!" / "She knows that!"

While everyone stood up, having this slight argument slash conversation, Dorothea had taken a sit on the couch between them, a leg crossed over the other, a hand under her chin as an entertained smile placed on her cheeks while she chews on the ingredients Esme was applying for the pizza.

"The problem is, you two have gone public now, so." / "Emmet!"

"No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly!" Emmet had backed up his wife, while Esme gave him a cautious tone. The conversation hangs in the air, uncomfortably as Edward can't look at Bella. "Oh? Badly? Like, where I become a meal?"

Dorothea had given Bella a shocked look at her conclusion as Emmet chokes back laughter with Edward's grin. Even Esme had to chuckle. Rosalie, exasperated, heads back into the kitchen, clearly annoyed that it was frustrating her as Emmet shrugs and goes after her to get her back.

Soon on the balcony, Alice leaps over the rail while holding a bouquet of wildflowers.

Jasper and Dean follow behind her as she bounces forward to kiss Bella's cheek and hands Bella the wildflowers. "Hi Bella, I'm Alice. Oh, you do smell nice."

Edward had given his sister a warning look but Alice stop him "It's alright, Bella and I are going to be great friends." Dean was up next to hug the mortal, having the same bubbly personality as Alice. "I'm Dean. It's nice to have a new member of the family."

Rose had scoffed at his word but Esme had given her the famous you're in trouble frown. While all that Jasper had walked his route to Dorothea who now stood up to welcome the man with a loving kiss.

Bella let out a petite laugh, exhilarated by the two for losing a bit of the pressure in the room, her eyes soon fall on the soundless couple, Jasper and Dorothea who was into each other with their gaze until they felt her eyes on them, so with a smile, Bella raised her hand for a shake. "And you're Jasper and Dorothea, right?"

"... Pleasure to meet you." Jasper had a response to the girl but never took her hand instead shies away behind Dorothea. Dorothea, however, gave Bella a sweet smile and took her hand instead.

"Excuse Jasper, he's still new at this vegetarian diet-" Carlisle was chopped off by Rose. In the corner of her eyes, she can see Rose having a mischievous look on her face. "But Dorothea here, this precious girl still drinks human blood. So I would be careful around her-" 


Bella had quickly broken the skin contact she had with Dorothea with fear as Carlisle and Esme scold Roselie for her words, you can hear Jasper leasing out a growl at the action as Dorothea felt slightly insulted and the hand that she reach out was stinging from Bella's harsh action.

Dorothea wasn't really offended by Rosalie's words, she knew the girl was disgusted by the fact of her diet was still consistent with humans. Merely wanting to scare Bella to leave her family.

Bella gave the girl a regretful smile, but Dorothea hadn't seen it instead as she was quieting down the major, Jasper who was silently baring his fangs at the mortal. "She won't harm me, Jasper. See?"

Edward had swiftly taken Bella's hand and dragged her from the room to an abrupt house tour but mostly to avoid any more chaos occurring. "Well, I think that went well! You, missy, clean up the mess you had made before."

Rose groaned but did as told as Emmet followed behind to help her.

Alice and Dean had gone to their conversation about Bella along with Esme, Carlisle admiring them from afar. Dorothea still had her palm on Jasper's chest while whispering sweet nothing to calm down his anger. Deciding to go to their room for a snuggle.


Esme and Carlisle look out the windowpane. Edward's laugh filters inside them as Esme in turn smiles. Dorothea and Jasper are not remote from them, also looking at the view of Edward savoring himself with the mortal.

"She's brought him to life." / "He's been lonely too long... but how can it end well?"

"Alice has never been mistaken before." / "Not often."

The young couple just carefully listens to their parent conversation, Esme turns to Carlisle, her husband while delivering a quick sweet glance at Dorothea and Jasper, with a gentle but absolutely firm tone she addressed. "Carlisle, Bella is what he craves. It will work out. Thea hasn't stopped them yet so it means what they are having is fine."

Carlisle had a turn to look at her daughter for some encouragement, which he got, a sweet smile while Jasper gave him a firm nod. Dr. Cullen smiles at them with love, then takes Esme's hand as they look back out the window.

Unknown to them Jasper and Dorothea shared a different kind of look with each other before staring back at the window.

"Esme is right. Everything will be alright." Dorothea had whispered calmly between her and Jasper only to hear but it didn't come unnoticed by Jasper how her tone wasn't completely sure of herself, unlike her words.

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