January 19, 2024

8 1 0

Guess what I have learned
We can't be the best every time
We ain't the victim in most crimes
The spotlight won't always be there to bring out our smile
Everythings temporary all awhile

I don't understand what I'm feeling
The past days, all I know is I keep on failing
I'm searching for healing
Yet, I can't find where I'm aching

Am I losing my mind?
Life's a struggle, we need to grind
But everytime I do my best - it's not enough
I walk miles and miles in this road rough

It's never the same
Back then I know where to lead and go back to where I came
Now, I'm lost in the woods and cried so ashamed
Gradually became the monster untamed

I'm well aware of my silly actions
Mind says move, we need to do the motions
But body's so weak and tired of dwelling in negative emotions
Paralyzed due to the poison of heart's dying notions

I can't continue in this mess
Call me weak and emotional but I'm in great distress
I run out of solutions to fix this shit
"Pull the trigger -  give me peace in one hit"


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