DECEMBER 29, 2023

17 1 0

I've walked far enough now. Yet, I'm still not close to where I'm supposed to be.

I know my destination, however, Im uncertain of the road I'm leading - is this the right way? I still take a step anyway. Scared to get stuck, I'll just walk and walk 'till the road sign says, "Stop"

Oftentimes, I fall apart. Shattered into tiny pieces like a fragile glass. However, my brokenness doesn't make me less of who I am. I may be broken but every single piece of me will still care and love you. I breakdown but I know what I wanted to do. I fall but I get up and heal my own wounds. I get tired but I know the fight is not yet through. I can't stop because I know I haven't been on the place that I wanted to.

There are days that I've been the happiest. And there are days that I thought I'll lose my will to live. It's true, we all have our ups and downs. Perhaps, I need to live in the moment. Be happy when the situation gives a countless reason to smile and laugh. Embrace the melancholy when the moment says, "Pause, reflect and relax"

The universe is not the enemy. Sometimes, our wants and plans doesn't happen exactly as the way we wanted it to be. But I know that it wasn't the ending. Everything happens for a reason. Perhaps in the right time, it won't be this hard to attain something extraordinary.

It's okay to try again. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to fall apart. Better days are coming. Walk as if it wasn't a race but a journey. Fill your heart with faith and hope. Never stop unless you're done.


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