NOVEMBER 18, 2023

20 1 0


— unknown

I heard a friend of mine said that I'm the most kind among all of us. I thought she's joking hence I laugh. However, she continuously describe each of my friends and I realize she really mean what she said.
Perks of being an overthinker, can't get rid of every single detail. Going home, I can't get that thought out of my head. I'm not kind. I mean, I am but we're all kind, aren't we? I guess I don't deserve such complement 'coz kindness is innate in all of us. We're all kind, perhaps we just have different levels of kindness.

The fact that people think you're all kind in all aspects kinda bothers me. Even the most kind and loving person in this universe have bad sides too. We are all perfectly created in the eyes of God yet we're not all holy as He is. We sin every single day. And kindness? It's within us, someone cannot say that a certain person is unknown to kindness. We all know how to be kind. It's just that, some people get blinded by the idea that kindness is weakness.

We can choose to be kind everyday to everyone we stumble upon despite of the struggles we're facing. Sometimes to be kind is to sacrifice something. Sometimes to be kind is choosing them over yourself. But you still do it anyway, 'coz you know it's the right thing and it'll make you happy.

However, we cannot deny the fact that sometimes people are one sided. The other day you're all the apple of their eye but the next day you made a mistake and like a blink of an eye you became the antagonist. It's not easy to make mistakes in this modern world. One single mistake will wipe out all the countless goodness you've done. They will carve your mistake like a statue of shame and disgust. They will keep on recalling it until it becomes your doleful hymn.

Thus, we should understand that everyone has bad sides too. It's easy to love the good side and it takes a genuine heart to stay despite of someone's dark side. We should embrace their darkness the way we love their light. Embracing their dark side doesn't mean we're tolerating their bad habits. Embracing it means knowing that we are perfectly imperfect human being.

Therefore, I learned that whenever I go I should always try to be myself. Whether they'll like me or not, I guess I don't mind.

"Always be good, nobody will like someone's bad side," they said.

"No, show your dark side and see who stays.," I replied.


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