January 2023

23 1 0

Last night I met a woman
She has great optism— she's brave and smart
Last night, that woman changed all my views in life
She taught me that even the worst phases of my life
Will soon become a memory that will be full of lessons and I think she's right
She told me that I am not a burden
She told me that it's all in my head
She told me to smile instead
She told me stories of hope
She cheers me up
That made me forgot the rope
That woman was so good at making me feel better
I got a huge and heavy problems to carry
But she told me, "Relax, God will take over"
I told her about my friends
"They're manifesting things, a little ritual, you know?"
I saw her shook her head in awe
She says, "Darling, Manifesting without praying will still be zero"
That woman was so smart that she has answers to all of my what ifs
That woman was so gentle to comfort me like a sister she just met
That woman was independent enough to not rely on others
She's reliable, they rely on her instead
That woman showed me the other great possibilities
That is waiting for me in the future
That woman taught me that smile is a free therapy
She's so patience, she's kind, she's strong and brave, she's smart
The morning I woke up in a cold breeze of dawn
That woman was gone
By the open door was a girl
She's crying 'coz life was a storm
She told me theirs no hope
We're all gonna die
I know she's broke
I remember what the woman told me last night
I tried to comfort the girl but she begun to wild
I burn my self everytime I touch her
I tried to calm her but she end up hurting me
Everytime I cheer her up she yells at me
I tried to shut up and let her cry for the rest of the day
Until she was tired of crying
She looked at me
I remembered the woman last night
I smiled with all my might
Even though it really hurts inside
Guess what?
The woman and the girl would alternately visit me
Sometimes the woman would stay for a week
And the girl would stay for days or months
Sometimes Im wondering
What if the woman won't visit me anymore?
I'm terrified of the possibilities that's hardcore
The girl makes me feel blue
The woman makes me feel renew
But at the end of the day
They're both part of me
That's all I always knew


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