November 2022

33 1 6

"I tried to get to know my self better. She's actually not that worst.. I didn't know that at first"

Nobody's perfect
I know a lady who got a lot of flaws
Everytime she look in the mirror
She sees nothing but a pathetic and awful lady staring at her
She hate those visible scars on her face
She hate those old ragged clothes she's wearing
She hate those words she utter
She feels like she's a burden
She feels like everyone hate her as well
She don't see herself owning the beauty and elegance of a butterfly
The demons in her head keeps on whisperings "Just Die"
Sometimes she's wondering if she's still fighting demons
Or maybe she become one of them
She's so insecure
She's flawed
She's so tired of trying

And trying

And trying

She keeps on trying
But always end up failing
I wonder how many motivational quotes she had kept
To continue walking in the dark and dangerous path
How many fake smile her lips had cracked?
She knows that she's not smart
She knows that she's flawed
She knows that she's tired
But she knows how to continue
She knows life doesn't end there
Thus, she tapped her shoulder and cheered her self up
It's all dark and cold
But she knows
She'll soon reach the light at the end of the tunnel


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