August 30, 2023

10 1 9

Hey there

I never know that it's a good thing to look back
I thought I'll get sad and all emotional so I haven't done it for like the past months
But now, I finally did
Guess what?

"You've changed a lot
In a good way though 
I didn't know how kind you've become not until I've read your sentiments
I didn't realize how hurt you are after witnessing your suffering

You are strong
You are kind
But you're already numb
You've developed trust issues because you want to be wise

I know that you're struggling right now
You feel lost
And you just want to go somewhere that'll bring you peace and happiness
It'll come

I've seen you cry
Silent as you could but your sobs seems to betray you
You're still learning
Do not punish yourself for not knowing everything

You commit mistakes?
It's okay, learn from it and never do it again
Everything happens for a reason
If you feel sad about something then be it — be sad

You are not the mistake you made
You are not the flaws they laugh about 
You are not the insecurities you cried all throughout
You are the smiles you express when your heart's giving it's all out

Do not worry about people turning their backs away from you
What matters most is you have God with you
So what if people don't like you?
You'll always have me, I love you

Stop thinking too much if you're being too much
You are just enough
If they don't accept you for being real don't try to lit the match
The roads rough but don't let them destroy your laughs

Not everyone will like the smiles you have 
Not everyone will like your wit
Not everyone will like your humor and stuff
But you have me, I love every little bit of you from the bottom to the top

Life is not about pleasing other people 
Just to fit in their fancy circle
Theres nothing wrong with you
Don't question your worth— never do

You might be in the wrong place
You might be in the wrong time
You might be surrounded by wrong people
But one thing's for sure— you're being real; something that only few can do

If you ever feel lonely
Just think of me
Your old self, your future — it's me
We're rooting for you — I promise, we'll soon achieve victory"


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