Demon Time Part 2

Start from the beginning

On the verge of falling asleep, Luci opened his eyes and said, "Huh, what?" He looks at Bean. "Did you say something?"

"Like...Tavish used to be fun. He taught me so much of what I know now..." Bean took another swig at her flask. "Tavish and I used to spend so much time together...we were there for each other when mom passed away...and now...I don't know anymore..." She felt the tears appear in her eyes and quickly wiped them away. "I don't know who that person is. He's not the brother I grew up loving." Bean takes another longer swing of her flask.

"Whoa, easy, champ," said Luci.

Bean lets out another burp. "You sound like my bartender," she said. She checked the flask to see how much she had left. "Uh oh, running low." She drinks the rest and puts her flask away. "Where's that book I haven't finished yet?" She gets up from her bed and walks over to her bookshelf. It wasn't anything like Tavish's many bookshelves and wasn't as complete as Tavish's. Bean reaches for a book and walks back over to the bed. Luci looked at the book when she opened it. Inside the book was a flask placed inside a square hole. "Here it is!" She takes the flask out of the book and downs it, falling back on her bed as she does so. "You know what else he did that really got me angry at him?" She started to sound tipsy. "There's this little event called the Hayman burning. Tavish promised me that he would go with me. I went to it and waited for him...but he never showed up. He left me there all alone. And THEN he shows up at the last minute..."

"Ouch," said Luci.

"Honestly, it was after that we started drifting apart," Bean looks at her silver flask. We stopped hanging out, we stopped talking like we used to, and...I hardly see him anymore." Bean begins to feel her eyes water again. She quickly wipes them and then downs her flask. But whatever...I don't need him...or dad..." Her eyes begin to weigh. The silver flask falls out of her hand, and Luci catches it with his tail.

He placed the flask on her shelf and cuddled up with Bean. "I'm only doing this're welcome..." he closed his eyes. Bean placed her arm around Luci and brought him closer, causing Luci to yell an "OOF!" as his face was against her chest.

Luci groans. "I knew this was a mistake..."



Luci mumbles in his sleep.


"W-What the hell? Who's calling my name?" Luci opened his eyes slightly. His eyes fell onto Bean, who was sleeping peacefully next to him. He yawned and looked around the room, lit by the moonlight shining through the window. Nothing was out of the ordinary. It was quiet. Luci yawned again, lay his head down, and closed his eyes. At that moment, he heard the voice again.

"Come out Luciii..."

Luci snapped his eyes open and looked around the room. "Come outside, Lucii..." said the voice. Luci looked towards the window. He freed himself from Bean's arms and strolled over to the window. Luci opened it and looked outside. The breeze hit the demon's face as he looked around. Again, there was nothing.

"Psst...look up,"

Luci up, seeing the tall demon Fuscu with long horns staring him in the eyes. "Hey Luci," He grinned. Luci's eyes widened. "FUS-" Fuscu would whack Luci in the back of the head, sending him plummeting to the ground below. "AHHHHHH!" The small demon screamed as he went splat on the ground. "OW! Ughhhhh..." He rubs his head.

"Long time no see Luci,"

Luci looks up, and he shouts in shock. Standing before him were two familiar demos. "Eligor? and Pazuz?" He gasped.

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