Planning Our Next Steps

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She began to cry as me and Mikey hugged her.

Blake: It's okay.

Mikey: It's okay, Mommy.

"I am Groot."

Nebula: Yes.

Gamora: Yes, what? That he's Groot?

Nebula: He said maybe this man downloaded the passkey into the computer on his head.

Gamora: Huh?

Nebula: That could store the passkey.

She pointed to the metal thing on his head.

Peter: We find him, we save Rocket.

Mantis: The High Evolutionary's coordinates.

Mantis pointed to a planet on the map.

Peter: Put the coordinates in the nav.

I put my hands on Zoe's shoulders.

Blake: He may have created us, and others, but he's not our master. And he's not God if he tried to kill us and others. We're gonna save our friend.

Zoe nodded.

Gamora: Wait a minute. Are you kidding me?

She followed him as she put his hand on Peter's arm as he pulled it away.

Gamora: What he wants is that gutted badger in the Med-Bay, and you're gonna bring it straight to him?

Blake: Yeah, and when I say it, a mean a wrecking ball.

Gamora: It's almost certainly a trap.

Peter: Trap isn't a trap if you know the trap is trying to trap you. It's a face-off.

Gamora: A face-off is a trap if you're facing off a guy a guy a thousand times more powerful than you.

Blake: Funny thing. We've done that three times already. Ronan, Ego, and Thanos. And we've won. Oh, wait. You "weren't" there.

Gamora: Do you know who the High Evolutionary is?

Blake: (sarcastically) Oh, gee, I don't know, a stuck up peice of crap?

Peter: Yeah, he's some jerk who dissected my best friend and destroyed my brother's home.

Drax: Second best.

Gamora: The High Evolutionary isn't someone you wanna think about messing with.

Blake: We're not mess with him. We're just gonna mess him up.

Drax: And we won't think about it when we do it.

Gamora: You know what? I don't care! Just drop me off with the Ravagers, and you go do whatever it is that you wanna do.

Nebula: We don't have time for this.

Gamora: I'm not asking you. Drop me off with my people now!

Peter: "Your people"? The Ravagers aren't your people. Me and Blake are dang Ravagers. You aren't. Listen, I know you were always looking for a family. Okay? But my Gamora, the one I loved, she didn't find it with a group of criminals, she found it with us. People who care about you. I know that's who you still are. Somewhere inside of you...

Gamora just retaliated by pushing back and breaking the navigation screens.

Blake: Peter!

I went to check on him. Then I looked at Gamora.

Blake: Hey, what is your problem?!

Gamora: What are you so afraid of in yourself that I need to be something for you?! I don't give a crap about about your Gamora. Life made me me!

She went to punch us, but Nebula stopped the punch.

Nebula: I have a few upgrades courtesy of that gutted badger in the Med-Bay, and we are not risking his life to make yours more convenient.

Gamora: I'm family.

Nebula: So are they.

Gamora looked at us then back to Nebula.

Gamora: Screw you. Screw all of you.

Then she walked out.

Blake: Just calm down now, Pete. We don't need her, anyway.

We made it through a jump point. Peter walked off.

Blake: Peter, it's probably for the best.

Peter: She was everything to me.

Blake: Peter! She's gone! She's not the person you need her to be!

Peter: Then why'd she leave us?!

Blake: She doesn't remember us! She doesn't remember anything about us! And you're just spending your days getting drunk, trying to confide in a useless hope that's no longer gonna be there for you instead spending time with the people who are still there for you!

Peter: Everyone I cared about died!

Blake: And I know how that feels!

Peter: No you don't! You have a wife and kid!

Blake: Yeah, and you have no idea hard it is to take care of them! I'm dealing with this by myself! I don't wanna lose them! But I'm scared that if I lose myself then it might hurt them! I wanna be there for them. But it's a hard job. The least you could do is help me. Or at least go back to Earth and make peace with the only family you have left.

Peter just walked off.

Meanwhile, Nebula was thinking about her sister when Mikey sat next to her.

Mikey: Aunt Nebula?

Nebula looked at him.

Nebula: Hey.

Mikey: Is everything okay? I heard screaming.

Nebula: It's just that everyone's at each other's throats today.

Mikey: Thank you for saving my Daddy.

Nebula smiled at him.

Nebula: He saved me back OrgoCorp, so I just returned the favor. Tell me, what's your dad like, to you?

Mikey: He sometimes gets mad at me when I don't listen to me, but that's mostly because he cares about me and wants to keep me and Mo safe.

Nebula smiled.

Nebula: Why don't you listen to him?

Mikey: I wanna help. That Adam guy would've killed my parents.

Nebula: You definitely have a better dad than I had. At least he cares about you. It's weird. I remember that I used to be the bad guy, but now Gamora. Maybe it was a bad idea to bring her back from the past. Now I'm torturing Peter with images of her.

Mikey: Why did you bring her back?

Nebula: We didn't get along, but I still wanted my sister back.

Mikey: Then you're not a bad sister.

Nebula looked at him.

Nebula: Your dad is really lucky to have you, you  know that?

Mikey smiled and hugged her. And she hugged back.

Guardians of the GalaxyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ